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15th December 2015, 15:07
Well, the plumber has been and gone - verdict : hot water heater Kaput ! He'll phone me later on with quote for new one and fixing fee.

Great news is it not ?........(!)
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15th December 2015, 15:17
Hello, Pigale!
Oh dear! did the plumber say how soon he can replace the system?
Is it separate from your central heating?
You do at least have some heat?
4912 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th December 2015, 15:23
Hi Elle,

Have plenty of heat between my electric oil heaters, my fantastic paraffin heater and the new gas heater BUT I have no hot water !

So have just organised to go and have a shower every other day at my friend's place (I went shopping with her earlier on) and the plumber will phone me later on tonight. It's going to be a quick wash tomorrow morning - I would not mind so much if we were in Summer.
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15th December 2015, 15:31
AT least you can get a shower then, Pigale, and in between you can always boil kettles and saucepans full of water !
You would possibly be worse off, in this weather , if you had no heating rather than no hot water!
I remember how cold we were a few weeks ago, when our c/h timer went! Brrr!!
I hope the plumber can install the new one soon - and that it doesn't prove too expensive.
4914 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th December 2015, 15:35
Hello, Elle and Pigale!,
Almost dark here.
I had a walk around the nature trail.
That is a blow about your heater, Pigale.
But a nice new modern one will be better.
I am sure the plumber will keep you right.
4915 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th December 2015, 16:09
Hi Elle and Rusty,

My plumber is an extremely nice chap - my Husband pushed a lot of work his way when he first came in the area because he could see straight away what kind of worker he was - and he never failed to prove how good he was; his philosophy is that there are never any problems, but only solutions.

As far as expenses are concerned, we know each other very well and have mutual trust, so I know a spread settlement will be no problem if needed.

He must have looked at a long term weather forecast because he told me that we are due for a very severe weather after Christmas - well, January is usually our coldest month and it sounds like we are going to have a shortish but rather harsh time - something nice to look forward to....... Glad I have all my heaters!
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15th December 2015, 18:57
Hello, Pigale!
At least you sound to be in good hands with your plumber. He will advise you on what best to do, and if you can spread the cost, as you say, then so much the better.
I hope for your sake that it all happens quickly.
At least the system failed this week when there is time and opportunity to do something about it , rather than over Christmas.
4917 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th December 2015, 19:04
Hi, Rusty!
You did better than I today! I only made it out early this morning -
I played in the garden with the dog for a while this afternoon, but didn't take a second walk.
I'm delighting in my tree though - and I listened to Karen Carpenter and Katie Melua whilst I did the decorating!
No replacement earworm though!
Still stuck on "Pa rum pum, pum pum"! It's going to take some shifting!
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15th December 2015, 19:57
Helli, Elle!
It is OK for you out playing with doggie.
I am busy deciding what colour will my new door be.
And scrutinising door bells.
Can't get a minute to scratch my "ears".
4919 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th December 2015, 20:35
Hi, Rusty!
Are you "painting" the front door - that is, do you need to decide on an actual "colour" - or are you "staining" the wood?
If the former, do you want something bright........or light?
Did your painter leave you a colour chart?
Big decisions!
(I'm surprised that the girls haven't been offering their advice?)
Does the door have to "match" anything?
What were you painting with your metal paint? Was that exterior?
We no longer have a wooden door but when we did, we painted it yellow! ( Bright and cheerful!)
Of course, your painter is coming tomorrow, isn't he?
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