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14th December 2015, 21:46
Hi, Rusty!
Nor can Bing do wrong in MY eyes! We are agreed on that!
You know, I'm sure we have had this conversation before about Bing's being a keen golfer? I have a strong sense of deja vue!
(I cannot do the accents and the circumflex!)
I remember talking about his song "Straight Down the Middle " - I think believed to be the first ever song about golf ?
I think he died after completing the round and on the way back to the clubhouse?
How can a horse be best " 'sportsman' of the year"! Good decision though!
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14th December 2015, 21:52
oh yes, definitely the same tune and the words sound perfectly adapted to the music even though it is rather sad.

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14th December 2015, 22:11
Hello, Elle et Pigale!
The French version makes more sense, I think!
Yet, it was originally called Carol of the Drum.
Carol suggests Christmas?
And no mother would want a drummer playing near her baby.
But "Mary nodded". Strange.

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14th December 2015, 22:19
The French novelist Georges Coulonges adapted the song in the 60's to exactly what Pigale said.
It is associated with Nana Mouskouri.
The original was a Christmas song, but not sure why a drummer boy gets in the story.
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14th December 2015, 22:57
No, Rusty, it's not clear from the lyrics why a drummer boy should be there, other than his wishing to play for the baby Jesus as he had no other gift to bring.

I came across this quote.....
"The most notable rendition (of the Little Drummer Boy) was created by the most unlikely combination of Bing Crosby and David Bowie. This version of Little Drummer Boy was a massive hit for the artists and was in fact Bing Crosby's most successful recording since the legendary 'White Christmas' "
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14th December 2015, 23:28
Hi, Rusty!
Did you come across this recording of Bing, singing "Little Drummer Boy" solo?

See if this link works...
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14th December 2015, 23:48
Hello, Elle,
That did not work.
I think Bowie should stay well away from Bing.
He is not nearly good enough to sing with him.
Bing was a master.
I still prefer Boney M's version.
Pa-rum pum pum pum!
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15th December 2015, 00:01
It should work, Rusty?

I've just clicked on it and it played for me?
It's the best recording I've found so far of the "Little Drummer Boy"- pure unadulterated Bing!! (no David Bowie in sight! ...or sound!)

Try again?
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15th December 2015, 09:20
Good morning, Elle!
When I click on link it states "video not available".
I will try it on my Chromebook later.
It could be my settings that are preventing it.
On Twitter for example, it is set not to show any "untoward" videos, though poor old Bing should be OK, you would think?
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15th December 2015, 09:45
'Allo' !

The link worked for me Rusty, so perhaps you have a setting stopping it.

I much prefer Boney M but the version with the little boy Brian ....(and I don't remember his name) sang with them with his angel voice. Sorry, but I am not really a great fan of Bing.

Here is greyish, due to rain afternoon but it is mild.

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