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4th September 2015, 12:25
I clean her teeth every day at home, but, despite this, there has been a build up of tartar on her teeth (quite common despite regular cleaning) and so she has gone in for a "de- scaling," which has to be done under anaesthetic.
If it were left untended there might be a danger that she would eventually lose her teeth.
I always worry when an animal has to be given anaesthetic, so I'll be relieved to hear she is ok!
Mind you, so far , no news is good news.....the vet would ring me if there were a problem.
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4th September 2015, 12:30
I understand your concern Elle, but if she is in good health, as I think she is, then it should be OK.

There are times in life when we would like to be a few hours older !
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5th September 2015, 08:54
Hi elle and pigale

Dogs and cats teeth seem to need far more attention than when my parents kept them perhaps modern food is to blame,Freddy is only young and his teeth are fine but he has very hard treats and drinks copious amounts of goats milk which may help to keep them in good condition,we did buy him a toothbrush but he bit the head off,All the books are causing a slight shelving problem ,we have run out of shelves,my ex boss has given me an old library shelving trolley which is now in the hall being used by the cats
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5th September 2015, 10:27
Morning, Doglet!
I clean the dog's teeth with Maxiguard (as recommended by the vet ) everyday, but despite that, she developed a huge build up of tartar. Like Freddy she won't tolerate a toothbrush, but this is stuff you rub on the gums with your finger.
Anyway, mission successful and she now has a mouthful of gleaming teeth! no dental work needed after the de-scaling!
We have similar shelving problems! all bookshelves are two-deep in books and I now have piles on the floor in my husband's study!
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peg y don

5th September 2015, 10:38
animals are such a worry. I have five cats now. I lost three a couple of years back, one in October, then one November and finally one in December. Unrelated. I had bronchitis at the time and the whole episode was simply horrendous.

why do we do it?

I try to mix dried food with fish and chicken and they do seem to have better teeth these days. Gingivitis was a problem years ago.
3685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2015, 10:44
Morning Elle and Doblet,

Glad to know that all went fine yesterday. I think that in the past, dogs ate many more bones than nowadays, and probably ate 'traditionnal' home cooked meals as opposed to tin food or croquettes (which vets recommended at one stage and are now saying are not so good !)

Anyhow, on the subject of books, the same problem occurs in this house - and on top of it, hubby was an architect so there are all his reference and technical books as well, which I will have to donate; problem though, I live in France and majority of them are in English !

There are also 40 years of architectural drawings plus clients files to get rid of; as you know, an architect is supposed to keep everything for life, so you can imagine the amount of paperwork and plans there are in the house !
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5th September 2015, 10:53
Hello, peg y don!
We had four cats, one dog, 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, one hamster, numerous gerbils and a goldfish at one stage(the goldfish is now 25 years old!)
Yes, we used to have problems with ginigivitis in stray cats that we adopted - they would nearly all turn up with damaged teeth or gum disease!
Not something I've encountered though luckily in cats that we have have had from kittens.
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5th September 2015, 10:56
Hi Pigale!
Thank you - yes, it was such a relief to get her home safe and sound!
Re books... I haven't yet got to the stage where they are piled up on the stairs.......!.
3688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2015, 11:47
hi all
I have persuaded my husband to take all his computer manuals books about cars,trains and railways in to his bungalow sized garage which has started to do so all is not lost.Regarding gingivitis ginger and tortie cats are often the patients our oldest who died last year at 26 had very good teeth right til the end but lily who is 20 was a feral kitten as always had baby teeth and she can still bite!!! We moved here with 10 cats ad 4 dogs but getting older means we have not replaced any,Elle my friend with the 40 poodles now has 32 cats all from the same place,some who are very oriental looking
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5th September 2015, 16:09
Goodness , Doglet , 40 poodles and 32 cats! Wherever does she house them all?
Are you weakening yet..........?
Did you watch the Diamond League? Last one next Saturday.
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