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2nd September 2015, 14:44
My favorite P.D.Q. Bach piece is the O.K. Chorale.
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2nd September 2015, 15:07
Meanwhile, anyone like to tell us their favourite first or last sentence of a novel?
"Call me Ishmael" and "The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there" have been taken!
3632 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd September 2015, 15:11
I suppose "Take my camel, dear" has been taken too.
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2nd September 2015, 15:29
Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again, from Rebecca.It is the only book I have ever stolen I borrowed from the English club when we lived in Assam and we had to leave rather hurridly so it has travel widely and came home with me.When I as a librarian we were asked to remove a lot of books from a house there were 230 library books rangeing from Barbara Cartland to Mein Kampf and stolen from all over England from the early 60s
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2nd September 2015, 15:35
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

I don't recognise yours, aristo - where is it from?
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2nd September 2015, 15:39
The Towers of Trebizond.
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2nd September 2015, 15:39
Found it - "Towers of Trebizond". I think I have an inherited copy, but I've never read it.
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2nd September 2015, 16:00
Just listened to "The Short-tempered Clavier" and "Sonata abassonata". Excellent, laughing.

The winner of the competition was-
It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday , and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the Archbishop had come to see me
Anthony Burgess "Earthly Powers"

I like
I lingered round them under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heaths and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth
Closing lines of Wuthering Heights.
3638 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd September 2015, 20:40
Hi I've been out and only just come back on to the forum!
I've had fun reading the first and last lines you've chosen!
I recognised Rosalind's choice of " Moby Dick" and The Go Between " (saw the film with Alan Bates, too, as well a s read the book.)
I wouldn't have remembered t he ending lines of "Wuthering Heights" though.
And of course , I knew Chris' pick of "1984", and Doglet's "Rebecca"
Aristo though had me beat with his choice!
I don't think I have a 'favourite' quote' but for memorable ones...... "Reader, I married him..." comes to mind, altho it's the beginning of Chapter 38 and not the first line of the book! and the inevitable "Tomorrow is another day" which is in common usage.
3639 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd September 2015, 21:16
Thank you for your thoughts on first and last lines of books, I enjoyed reading them.
aristo's is very arresting and maybe I shall read the book, which I've only heard of and never seen, let alone read.
One of my daughters-in-law made a speech at their (? her) wedding and used "Reader, I married him".

The first sentence is supposed to tell you something about the book
How about-
"If we are going to find the Skallagrigg we must start in 1927 with Eddie, though I had better say immediately that his real name was Arthur"
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