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7th September 2015, 18:14
hi elle /pigale

It was Ziggy at the vets today getting him into the box was as usual orchestrated by spitting,yowling and biting,he was bellowing all the way there but when he got into the vets room he was quiet he let her examine him and even when she took his temperature he was good,clean bill of health 12 mins for £50.Having put most of my summer clothes into storage the weather here today was 19!!!! so perhaps we are having an Indian summer
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7th September 2015, 18:26
Hello Doglet,

It's her second jab; she is no problem and does not mind me putting her in the cat basket - In fact she does not mind whatever I do to her !

As for the little ones, the two baskets (had to have 2 with 3 cats) are on the floor, door open, and they quite often go for a siesta in there in the afternoon; good because they are not afraid of getting in there when I need to take them!

Has the week-end treated you kindly ?
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7th September 2015, 18:29
Good confused as to who I was answering to ! But it does not really matter, does it ?
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7th September 2015, 18:40
No, no problem, Pigale!

Hi, Doglet! Glad all well with Ziggy! I'd forgotten he was going to the vets today.
Jake used to 'freeze' at the vets - the only thing that moved was his eyes! the rest of him was completely immobile!
The other cat is completely different - he fights the vet like a champion!
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7th September 2015, 20:03
hi all just got back from the vets Honey had caught her nail and ripped it out of her foot,so we rushed her to our vets who stay open til 19.00 she has had two jabs and she nearly bit the vet so no walking tomorrow and no playing with Freddy,Have just opened a bottle of wine and then a peaceful evening
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7th September 2015, 22:36
Sorry, only just come back on the computer......oh dear! glad she is ok now , though!
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8th September 2015, 10:04
Morning everyone,

Hello Doglet, How is Honey (a dog ?) this morning?
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peg y don

8th September 2015, 15:43
It's to be hopes. The oldie police do nt read the threads. Open a bottle of wine , depend s on sex (sorry) if you can have one glass or two glasses. Is it low fat wine or the good stuff?
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peg y don

8th September 2015, 15:44
I would need a barrel ful of wine to deal with all those cats and dogs
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8th September 2015, 16:03
it was a very nice white wine from Alsace.We are down ro 3 cats and 2 dogs which are more than enough for us but my friend who runs the rescue centre is always finding me animals that would be just right for us but our dogs and cats get on well together and would not appreciate any new ones
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