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5th September 2015, 16:14
Yes, Doglet, how does she house them ? Does she run some sort of refuge, in which case she might have kennels etc for them? Does she then try to find good homes for them? ~Very difficult to be sure they go to good homes!
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5th September 2015, 16:19
Yes she runs a rescue centre and I do some homechecks if the dog or cat are coming down south and sometimes over night them if they are going down to Cornwall or Devon,They do manage to home most of their animals quite quickly but there are some who just no one seems to want and ten the perfect home comes up,she has just homed a blind dog who had been there for months and is doing very well with his new family
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5th September 2015, 16:26
I admire her Doglet, because I am over sensitive when it comes to rescuing ill-treated animals - I mean I would do it of course if I ever found one, but to make it my job, I don't think I could. Take me to a refuge to get a dog and I come out of there in tears, wanting to take them all!

Luckily not everyone is like me!
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5th September 2015, 16:47
We got our present dog from a rescue centre - from Battersea Dog and Cats Home. Yes, it is very distressing seeinga ll the animals looking at you so hopefully when you walk around, and you feel really distressed and almost criminal leaving the unchosen ones behind.
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5th September 2015, 17:28
hi elle/pigale

The cat kennels have underfloor heating and very nice beds and an open closure with toys water bowls etc quite a different life from the ones they had been living The dogs have similar kennels but much large open enclosures and a fenced paddock for them to run free in ,it isnt a home but they are very well looked after until the right one comes along
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5th September 2015, 17:54
Hi again,

The people I really could strangle are those who buy a puppy (or kitten, but more noticeable with dogs) for Christmas, and when July/August come, leave it on the road somewhere, sometimes with a note saying 'Please look after me', but more often without anything, and even tied to a tree. (Where passers by rescue the poor animal and take it to a centre)

The owners are punished with a hefty fine if the dog is tattoed/chipped, but unfortunately there are many owners who do not comply with the Law (having your pet tattoed or chipped that is) and escape unpunished.
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7th September 2015, 10:57
Morning All,

How is everyone ?

It seems ages since there was a post on this thread - rapidly becoming an endangered species ! So thought I would bring it to the top !
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7th September 2015, 16:29
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, it is quiet on here - both yesterday and today. Perhaps folk have just hit a busy spell? Hectic weekend?
We ourselves have been busy meeting up with family - and yesterday enjoying what might well be the last nice day of summer (warm with blue skies, and sunshine!) because it's dull and miserable again today!
What have you been up to?
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7th September 2015, 16:59
Hello Elle,

Nice to read you ! My week-end has been quiet, in fact every day is so much the same that it does not make much difference !

Glad to know you enjoyed some happy time with family and weather; here, it is bright but cold (17C/19Cmax) with a North-Easterly breeze - and nights are below the two digits figure - due to improve, so they say !

Tomorrow is Vet run for Mum Puss to have her booster, and then all is quiet for another 2-3 months, when the smalls will be spayed.

They are happy playing in the garden now that all their jabs are done - and boy do they enjoy it ! T~hey are so funny to watch, jumping at flowers or bits of tall grass, running after falling leaves etc.... better than watching TV !

Did you ever mail Norah ?
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7th September 2015, 18:03
Hope all goes well tomorrow at the vets! Is this her first or second jab?
Is she amenable to being put in a cat basket or however you get her there?
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