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26th August 2015, 19:14
Well Elle, you have the whole evening to play catch up - but as you say, friends are important, and a friendship that started at school days is to be treasured.

Did not do today's crosswords either - will do tomorrow's instead. It often takes me a couple of days to finish one so I only tend to do Saturday and Sunday, plus one or two maximum in the week. But sometimes the Concise gives me problems - if I do not know a word, at least with cryptic I have a chance of working it out and then check if it exists; but on the concise, I either know it or I don't and it can block me for ages!
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26th August 2015, 19:33
hi pigale
We are taking one of our cats to have his teeth out tomorrow he was a stray who moved in and his teeth need to go cats manage very well with no teeth as they tend not to tear food like the dogs,he is wandering about making plaintive noise .as he cannot eat tonight we have a pleasant evening now but the rain was monsoon like this morning.I dont sleep very well so often do the crossword at 2or3am and today I looked at some of the athletics
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26th August 2015, 20:14
Just watched the highlights of the Vuelta. This Orica-Greenedge lad (I forget his name!) looks as good as Cavendish in his prime.
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26th August 2015, 21:05
Hello ChrisE,

Have not been watching La Vuelta - no TV available at present but I could watch Eurosport coverage on Computer - Anyway, do you mean Rubio something ?
I need to have a proper look at the teams and the route - I might be missing some very nice scenery !
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26th August 2015, 21:07
I think he is Australian, and just 21.
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26th August 2015, 21:11
Doglet, do you go back to bed after you have done the crossword in the middle of the night? Are you not even more awake afterwards ?

Me, I am no good until I have had breakfast (continental) and Coffee ! can't quite see what I am doing before that! I have been known to poor hot water into the sugar bowl ! Honestly, I am hopeless !
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26th August 2015, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sending this just in case you are looking in.....
You've been missed today, especially by me!
Please put your disagreement with Jazzgirl behind you and come back to the forum.
Everyone will be very pleased to see you!

Doglet and Pigale, I have to have breakfast before I can become "human"! I get up early - about 6am - and always have a poached egg on toast, orange juice and a glass of water for breakfast, whilst reading my book !
I have one of those "book chairs" on which you can prop your book- my daughter bought it for me - brilliant!
Then once I'm "humanised" I take out the dog for a long walk!
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27th August 2015, 03:12
elle and pigale
I dont always go back to sleep but I get tired early evenings when I dont. I used to take the dogs out when it got light and we always met the same people and we would stop and chat whilst the dogs raced round the green but since my husband retired he walks the dogs later.I think the games finish on Sunday but havent got the Radio times yet
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27th August 2015, 09:28
Hello Elle, Pigale, Chrise, Jazzgirl and Rusty,

I just wanted to say "Thank You All" as I'm a regular user of this site and have found your input so helpful, and satisfying, when attempting The Times Saturday Jumbo. Mamya is also a great help. I photocopy the crossword so that I can do both!

The cryptic I struggle with, and have yet to complete, but the expertise you provide along with others is such a help. We only get a paper on Saturdays unless we're on holiday, so I do look forward to it.

These spams are truly irritating though, I am hoping they get bored and gravitate elsewhere. I have not chatted on a forum before so hoping I'm not intruding! It's all a bit new. :) Spec27
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27th August 2015, 09:32
Hi spec27
Good to hear from you, and that you find the Forum helpful.

All are welcome on this thread (and elsewhere, of course).
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