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21st August 2015, 17:42
Quite ChrisE; We tend to consider him as a French artist because he really became famous after his first appearance at the Olympia in Paris in 1954 - His songs are still highly popular among the young people today!
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21st August 2015, 20:43
Good Evening, Rusty!
We had a lovely afternoon out! We went to one of the further afield country parks. Did you manage to get out for a walk yourself? I know you had a busy day of visitors scheduled.
I'm looking forward to the Athletics World Championships, starting tomorrow.
Tonight I watched a half hour lead-up programme - telling what was ahead and discussing the drugs problem . Obviously it wasn't appropriate to go into too much depth but it was an interesting insight into the situation.
Will you watch any of the Athletics? or will it clash with the Tour of Spain?
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21st August 2015, 21:05
Elle, I was out for a fast walk and jumped over a burn and tweaked my ankle, so I am hirpling a bit.
Serves me right for thinking I am a young one still!
I hope to see Athletics too. I do not know the schedule though. The Tour of Spain is a poor cousin compared the French and Italian tours. But tomorrow is the team time trial and I like that. Will be good to see Cancellara back! Froome is moaning about the first stage.
I did not see the dope programme. A pity, as I have very strong suspicions on certain athletes, including national treasures. Just why are so many top athletes in all sports taking asthma medicine? Why is that allowed?
The tip of an iceberg, I think!
Still warm here!
I have given up on Five Families and the book is in the bin. Only so much I can read about these horrible people! How are you and Passchendaele getting on?
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21st August 2015, 22:48
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry you have hurt your ankle! 'hirpling'? maybe another Scottish word? I'm guessing it means 'limping'?
But hey, you are as young as you feel! If you are leaping over babbling brooks then you must indeed be feeling young at heart!!!
The Athletics are showing on BBC2 tomorrow from 11.05 to 12.10, then continuing over on BBC1 until 3pm. From then on, they are shown daily on BBC 2 from 11ish till 3ish, followed by further live coverage from late night / early morning. until around dawn.
It's not clear to me from my TV guide whether it's ALL live cover or whether some of the the daytime showings are part repeats?
I shall no doubt discover that in due course!
Oh and there are highlights each evening too.
Your reaction to "Five Families" sounds similar to mine to "The Thin Yellow Line"- as you know, I was unable to finish that as I found it so distressing. It didn't end up in the bin though......but I doubt I'll ever try to finish it .
I left "Passchendaele " at the dentist! and have yet to retrieve it! so we at on 'pause' for the moment......
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21st August 2015, 23:11
Hello, Elle, yes, hirple is limp. Well done!
It was not much of a burn to jump.
But the landing was not text book!
The timings on BBC will depend on wherever the games are. Any idea? I would like to see young Katerina Thomson Johnson in the heptathlon. That was a wild stab at her name and may not be accurate. And I like Greg Rutherford and Jess Ennis. Hope Lynsey Sharp gets beat. I dislike her. Who is the Swedish girl I like?
Has a lovely smile. I like Isinbeyava too, if she has not retired.
The Five Families was well written but the subject matter was dreadful.
I will go back to my brain surgery book tomorrow.
I hope your dentist looks after your book!
I am going to start sleeping now.
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22nd August 2015, 08:47
Good morning, Elle!
The Swedish lady is Carolina Kluft.
I think she may have retired from competition though.
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22nd August 2015, 08:55
Good Morning Rusty,

Sorry to barge in your conversation with Elle, but how is your ankle this morning ?

Jazzy, what do you call a 'lengthy post' ? I sent one yesterday afternoon which was about 12 lines - is that too long in your view? Because a short question and answer is not exactly what I call a 'chatty thread' - so please tell me if I ramble on too much.
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22nd August 2015, 09:18
Good morning, Pigale!
Hope you are grand?
My old ankle is a bit painful, but I'll be fine in a day or so.
Shall you watch La Vuelta?
Problems there already.
First stage is only a 7.7km Team Time Trial (very short?).
They have said it will not count for the overall as it is dangerous! Froome has been complaining about it, which suggests Team Sky, or probably most teams, won't be trying too hard. Why should they, if it does not count for the GC.
Not very well thought out!
I hope Alejandro Valverde wins the race!
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22nd August 2015, 09:31
Well, what is the point of having a Team Time Trial then ?

I have never watched it but might do some of it through Eurosport on computer - doubt very much that French TV/Radio will do anything more than just mention daily results.

I don't even know which teams are taking part - must find who is riding !

Weather absolutely glorious and hot again !
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22nd August 2015, 09:34
Good Morning
pigale: I was not complaining about lengthy posts.
If you read the "have you been banned" thread, there has been some discussion over what is permitted and what has been "banned" by admin. No one is clear on what is permitted. Some people have tried to post "crossword posts" which are fairly long and have been barred. On the other hand, there are some fairly lengthy threads on this thread which have been permitted. It does not make sense. I asked ChrisE whether it was the number of words or the number of lines which was the problem, but admin. have not told anyone. It is all a mystery.
Celadon has given up posting on his "poser of the day" thread, as his posts have been considered too long. That is a shame, as he has been posting since 2009.
I hope the matter is cleared up soon, or the site will be losing a lot of traffic.
I am just off out to get the paper, but probably will not be on here much today, as I only have iPad and away from home. Have a good weekend :)
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