Hi, Rusty!
I am sure your son will be very grateful for his firewood!
No, I was not really involved in any physical labour....more just a tedious sorting out of paper work and minor problems.
It is nearly all resolved now... a job that unfortunately needed to be done.
My most strenuous task of the day was taking my dog out this afternoon!
I have the crossword puzzle sitting here before me...I just never started it!
I doubt that I can help you, as the boot is usually on the other foot, and it is you who helps me.......but you can tell me which clue you are having trouble parsing, if you like?
You never know, inspiration may strike me!
A different point of view might be helpful?
What was your car having done at the garage?
We may have to take ours in to Volvo.... it is not automatically ridding itself of the frost on the windscreen, as it usually does...…
Hello, Chris?
So did you not like "Birdsong"?
I enjoyed the book...not so much the film, as I thought that missed out a lot of the thoughts and nuances.....
I like Sebastian Faulks...he is one of my favourite authors.
I think I have read most of his books.
But no , possibly (probably?) I wouldn't recommend him to you, Chris.
I remember how you hated the indecision at the end of "Engleby" as to what actually happened......
There are sometimes "possibilities" in Faulks' novels .
I do not mind being left "up in the air" with an "either.... or" ending...but I don't think you like that type of book?