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11th November 2019, 12:36
Hi, Rusty!
Ah didn't occur to me that perhaps, without the car, you might not be able to get to the dentist?
A good idea to wait until you have your transport back!
But......just a thought.... maybe try to see your dentist as soon as is feasible after that?
it may not hurt, but you do not want to endanger what is still remaining of the damaged tooth.......should you, for instance, break off a piece of original tooth (whilst it is unprotected by the crown) then you might not be able to have the crown refitted.
And that could prove costly, as well as inconvenient.
I have just remembered that there is tennis on BBC this afternoon!
I must plan around my dog walk!
29911 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 16:25
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, wherever has my day gone?!
I am just home from my second walk of the day!
Fortunately, although forecast for later, we have so far had no rain.
I have finally got Amazon to agree to refund money that I discovered they had been taking from my Barclaycard for 'Amazon Prime'...... a service that I had neither requested nor ever used!
What a liberty!
Luckily, a very pleasant young woman in Customer Services proved to be very helpful and I am now hopeful of a full reimbursement of about thirty pounds!
It amazes me how easily these "false" transactions can happen.
One certainly needs to be vigilant!
How is your car?
Do you have it back yet from the garage?
29912 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 16:29
Amazon make it very easy to sign up to Prime accidentally.

Talking of books, have you finished "A villa in Italy"?
29913 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 17:20
Hello, Chris!
Yes, I have.... and I enjoyed it!
I wasn't sure quite where the plot was going....
I was rather expecting some "magical" non -realistic explanation of how it all came about.......but was pleasantly surprised to find that all the facts dovetailed very nicely and "reasonably"!
I even had a look to see what else the author has written....
But I was a little put -off by the titles and the synopses all sounding as though the themes of the books might follow too similar a trend?
Have you read anything else by her?
If so, what did you think?
29914 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 17:30
I'm pleased. I'd love to edit it, though - there are lots of unimportant but irritating mistakes. For instance, the train goes down the Loire valley to the south of France? In the newspaper office, the girl gets Jessica's parents' surname wrong.
I could go on, but I just love it despite its faults.

I've read quite a lot of other books by her. There's a list here

The "Very English Mystery" ones are quite good, but not really worth searching out. "The frozen lake" was intriguing as it is the same setting as "Winter holiday", though a different time. The story is a bit unpleasant, though.

The closest to "A villa in Italy" is "The Art of Love" aka "The Villa on the Riviera", but the plot reveal is obvious from about half way through.
29915 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 18:24
Good evening, Elle!
Cold here!
Collecting my car tomorrow.
I was too busy to collect it today.
Good you spotted Amazon Prime!
You have to be wary when ordering anything.
Easy to fall into the hands of Prime!
29916 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 19:46
Hi, Rusty!
I tend to be naturally suspicious......and am always very careful not to be "tripped up", or "conned" into anything!
I most definitely did not agree at any stage to Amazon Prime.
Fortunately, Customer Services were able to check back and verify that I have always received any orders by Standard Delivery, and so are going to refund the unsolicited payments that they took.
Yes, I've had a busy day , too.
I never even got around to starting the crossword!

A long list of books, Chris!
I enjoyed "A Villa In Italy " for its novelty - a very convoluted , well told tale!
I may leave it at that.... reading books of a similar theme may dull its effect.
I have just finished reading "The Girl At The Lion D'Or" by Sebastian Faulks.
Have you read that?
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11th November 2019, 20:01
Would you recommend it, elle? I was somehwat put off Sebastian Faulks by "Birdsong".
29918 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 20:03
Hello, Elle!
I try to be vigilant when using Amazon.
It is not hard to be caught out!
I bet your busy day did not involve you getting blisters!
Mine did. Was chopping firewood for my son.
I did my crossword puzzle this morning.
One to parse yet.
29919 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 21:05
Hi, Rusty!
I am sure your son will be very grateful for his firewood!
No, I was not really involved in any physical labour....more just a tedious sorting out of paper work and minor problems.
It is nearly all resolved now... a job that unfortunately needed to be done.
My most strenuous task of the day was taking my dog out this afternoon!
I have the crossword puzzle sitting here before me...I just never started it!
I doubt that I can help you, as the boot is usually on the other foot, and it is you who helps me.......but you can tell me which clue you are having trouble parsing, if you like?
You never know, inspiration may strike me!
A different point of view might be helpful?
What was your car having done at the garage?
We may have to take ours in to Volvo.... it is not automatically ridding itself of the frost on the windscreen, as it usually does...…

Hello, Chris?
So did you not like "Birdsong"?
I enjoyed the book...not so much the film, as I thought that missed out a lot of the thoughts and nuances.....
I like Sebastian Faulks...he is one of my favourite authors.
I think I have read most of his books.
But no , possibly (probably?) I wouldn't recommend him to you, Chris.
I remember how you hated the indecision at the end of "Engleby" as to what actually happened......
There are sometimes "possibilities" in Faulks' novels .
I do not mind being left "up in the air" with an "either.... or" ending...but I don't think you like that type of book?
29920 of 30765  -   Report This Post