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8th November 2019, 11:39
and I have just been invited for a cuppa on Sunday afternoon from the local Austin Seven group (I show my age ! )
29861 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 12:12
Hello, Cerasus!
My Chambers is getting on in years and just has smarty pants and smarty boots.
So does Collins on-line.
I think the clue is a bit of a "smarty pants"!
29862 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 12:30
It's a clever clue, Rusty. Some setters like to 'show off" a bit, but nothing wrong in that. My mention of the cuppa was just a 'by the by' as I noticed it was discussed earlier. I had not heard of the word which is used for such.
29863 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 13:02
Hi, Rusty!
I am so sorry for the delay in replying.....we have had a visitor, bearing gifts!
Thank you for trying to penetrate the fog that is my mind!
I think I shall have to 'pass' on this one.....
I arrived at the answer simply because "smarty- pants" fitted the easy definition......and also fitted the "crossers" ......
And for no other reasons than that.
I cannot follow the parsing and can still see no justification for "pants" being a part of the solution!
I am however very grateful for your inexhaustible tolerance of my failings..... and of my total inability to grasp the reasoning behind this clue!
I shall stand in the corner and wear the dunce's hat!
29864 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 13:03
You can't beat a nice "cuppa", Cerasus!
Maybe it depends on where you live.
It is used a lot in my locality.
I agree it's a clever unusual clue, though not sure if we could convince Elle!
29865 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 13:12
Rusty, I have just had a cuppa (milk, no sugar) The invitation sent to me was via email and was actually worded "Don't forget to join us for a cuppa on Sunday afternoon". I will oblige, but now time to tackle a rodent problem in the shed
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8th November 2019, 13:18
Hi, Rusty!
I've just noticed that your and Cersasus' exchanges crossed mine to you!
Scroll back.....
29867 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 13:19

This may help Elle understand the clue a little better
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8th November 2019, 13:20
Hello, Elle!
I think we have the best of the weather.
Been very bad in the North of England with floods etd.
Is your cousin OK?
You have no failings to be wearing the dunce's cap!
You just came over a slightly unorthodox clue....and you solved it!
Go to the top of the class (which no teacher ever said to me!).
Hopefully, today's puzzle will cause you no bafflement!
29869 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 14:07
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have rain here now...and a very dismal day it is turning out to be!
What a disappointment after such a beautiful beginning!
My cousin and family are fine , thank you.
I texted her earlier to check, having read on the News about the northern floods
She lives very high up is usually out of harm's way.
It was very nice of you to ask after her.
Ah, but Rusty, you see I didn't "solve" the clue at all...... I simply provided an easy enough answer!
To me, a clue is only "solved" / completed/ if it is fully parsed......
And that I could not do!
So...a failure chalked up!
I have saved the link about "reverse" anagrams posted by Cerasus, and will "chew it over"!
I haven't started today's crossword ....... I may take a break just for today.
( I don't feel like getting back on this particular horse right now!)

Thank you, Cerasus, for the link.
I have read it through.....and have saved it to "My Favourites" to re-examine later!
29870 of 30765  -   Report This Post