Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have rain here now...and a very dismal day it is turning out to be!
What a disappointment after such a beautiful beginning!
My cousin and family are fine , thank you.
I texted her earlier to check, having read on the News about the northern floods
She lives very high up ....so is usually out of harm's way.
It was very nice of you to ask after her.
Ah, but Rusty, you see I didn't "solve" the clue at all...... I simply provided an easy enough answer!
To me, a clue is only "solved" / completed/ if it is fully parsed......
And that I could not do!
So...a failure chalked up!
I have saved the link about "reverse" anagrams posted by Cerasus, and will "chew it over"!
I haven't started today's crossword ....... I may take a break just for today.
( I don't feel like getting back on this particular horse right now!)
Thank you, Cerasus, for the link.
I have read it through.....and have saved it to "My Favourites" to re-examine later!