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9th November 2019, 11:59
Hi, Rusty!
I don't mind the frost as long as it is not slippery underfoot.
The advantage of "hard" frozen grass is that it results in a clean dog!
I'm thinking a "good-brother" must be a brother-in -law?
Our neighbours have just left.
No mystery at all!
They simply wanted us to witness the signing of their wills, and also to discuss a problem they are having with the local council.
The first was easily dispatched.......the second I fear might take a while to sort out!
I shall continue my crossword, now that they have gone home!
But maybe a coffee first would be a good idea.....
29881 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 12:30
Hello, Elle!
I like the frost!
It's the black ice that can be treacherous, whether you be walking or driving.
I think "brother-in-law" is more common nowadays.
Is that what you would say?
I am old-fashioned, though!
So, no more mystery with your neighbours!
Miss O has just texted to me to inform me that she has just completed her first 5k "parkrun" at Perth, this morning.
Apparently "parkrun" is one word!
29882 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 13:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I would say "brother-in- law" .......
The other term was new to me, but I just deduced that was what you meant!
Yes, funnily enough I only found out this morning that "parkrun" is considered to be all one word!
The "marshals" in the park were wearing new hi- viz vests with "" emblazoned on them!
Good for Miss O!
I often fast-walk the route that is run........ and further, too........on a daily basis!
My dog does the "running" part!
Quite a nice puzzle today!
I still have one or two parses to complete......but will look at them again later.
I especially like 4d; 12d; and 23a.
29883 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 14:55
Good afternoon, Elle!
Apparently "parkrun" is a registered trademark.
Miss O sent me a photo of her and her colleagues and pupils who participated in the parkrun today.
I liked 25a in today's puzzle!
And I was ages convincing myself I had parsed 13a correctly.
Think I have!
29884 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 15:55
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It is pouring down here, now!
Yes, 25a "skin - test" is a good one!
For 13a: I have "lorimer" = "bit" (def); from Latin "lorum" - strap
lor - brother!
penning (as in around)
rime - old verse
I hope this is right?
Is this what you have ?
I cannot fully parse "fairy godmother" = "benefactor", though, in 21a?
What am I missing here, please?
29885 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 16:05
Hello, Elle!
That is what I have for "lorimer".
I am not familiar with "lor", so it took me a while to rationalise it.
Got it in Chambers.
Thanks for confirmation!
21, in music "f" is loudly. Think it means "fortissimo"?
Anyways, "f" is anagrammed, with "derogatory" and "him", to give "fairy godmother".
I am having an early tea.
Haggis tatties and neeps!
One of my favourite teas!
29886 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 16:57
Correction, Elle!
I gave you a bum steer regarding "f" in music!
"f" means forte/loudly.
"ff" is fortissimo/very loudly.
29887 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 17:47
Hi, Rusty!
Still very wet here... a plus may possibly be the absence of fireworks?
Here's hoping, anyway!
Thank you for parsing 21a for me!
I could not see that it was an anagram.
I love haggis!
Your tea sounds delicious!
I haven't christened our meal yet...
I have been washing and drying my hair, instead of considering what to have to eat!
I shall go and forage!
29888 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 18:57
Good evening, Elle!
It has been a fine day here.
My haggis was a "ready meal" from the butcher.
Very nice, too!
I have the cycling on.
It is the women's omnium tonight.
Neah Evans represents GB.
Like Laura Muir, she is Scottish and a vet!
Kirsten Wild is the favourite.
29889 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 19:53
Hi, Rusty!
I spoke too soon about the possible with-holding of fireworks.....
Folk must be standing out in the heavy rain, letting them off!
Well, I hope the letters-off get absolutely soaking wet......and maybe pneumonia......and the fireworks are reduced to damp squibs!
I hope you enjoy the cycling........
Kirsten Wild is the Dutch cyclist, isn't she?
No "Casualty" tonight, because of the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance.
I think I told you we are going to the Remembrance Service near my daughter's, tomorrow.....
BB is taking part in the church parade!
29890 of 30765  -   Report This Post