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10th November 2019, 09:00
Good morning, Rusty!
It has obviously rained here throughout the night, because the ground is very poggy!
But the sun is coming out now.....
Yes, that sounds like a good plan about your tooth.
Let's hope the dentist can fit you in tomorrow
We are leaving very shortly to go over to my daughter's....
The church service starts at 10.30 am
We should be home again around fourish.
I'll catch up with you later...…..
29901 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 09:05
Good morning, Elle!
Looks cold out!
Yes, hope the dentist can fit me in, after I drop my car off at the garage.
No pain or anything, so no rush for it, though.
Hope your church service and parade goes well!
29902 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 15:17
Hi, Rusty!
Finally home again!
Yes, the church parade and the following service went well!
The children in both the Scouts and Guides movements seemed to enjoy participating and the Congregation was welcoming.
It was a very tiny church!
I grew up going to a large Methodist Mission....seating capacity for about 1200 people!
Since then the churches I have attended have been somewhat smaller (!) but this one was a tiddler!
BB enjoyed the ceremony of presenting the flags once in the church.......
And the children were wrapt to see the onscreen presenting of the wreaths at the Cenotaph in Whitehall.
TV screens in churches?
Life does move on a pace!
29903 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 16:31
Hello, Elle!
That's good!
You seem to be very satisfied with your day at the Remembrance Service.
I am watching the cycling.
Katie and Elinor won silver in the Madison.
Australia won the race with Nettie Edmondson and Georgia Baker.
It was a very exciting event.
Thrills and a few spills.
Katie had a bike change during the race but I don't think it affected the result.
I enjoyed it!
29904 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 17:45
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, I think you have summed it up nicely with the word "satisfied".....
I was pleased by the way the minister spoke to the children.
She told them about Remembrance Day very well, and showing the proceedings on the TV screen was an excellent idea.
It might well be that some of their parents never spoke about it......and maybe this was the only opportunity a child might have of learning about the past.
It was good for them to see that we all still remember and revere those who fought for their country and way of life.
And the occasion was fun for the kids, too.... they had a quiz...boys against girls!
They has to find biblical male and female names....and whoever put up his or her hand first and gave a correct answer, got a chocolate!
It was a nice friendly, and informal, atmosphere!
Well done, Elinor and Katie in getting the Silver medal!
They would make a good pairing for the Olympics?
29905 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 18:44
Hello, Elle!
It seems the minister put on a very informative entertaining day for the young ones.
Well done, her!
Elinor and Katie would be great in the Tokyo Madison, but there are other riders who would be great, too, including Trotty.
So, goodness knows how they will choose a pairing!
Still a good way away, though.
Now, hows this for a remarkable story?
One of my fellow citizens, Mark Stewart, is a member of Team GB cycling team.
But he was not selected for the omnium event in Glasgow.
Ethan Hayter was selected to ride.
Last night at 9 p.m. Mark was at home here, watching the cycling, when he got a phone call to say Ethan could not ride the omnium and would Mark get himself to Glasgow, pronto.
So, today Mark rode the omnium and won the silver medal!
Quite remarkable!
29906 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 19:21
Hi, Rusty!
It feels very cold this evening....
I opened the patio door into the garden for the dog.......and was extremely glad to shut out the cold again!
Mark Stewart must be delighted that he was available when the phone call came!
It is good that he was able to seize the opportunity and win the Silver medal.
It is my turn to phone my cousin tonight.....I shall go and make a coffee first and have it to hand to drink, whilst we are chatting.
29907 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th November 2019, 21:49
Hello, Elle!
Cold here, too!
Mark was very pleased indeed!
Puts him in the selectors eye for World's and Olympic selection.
There is a lot of competition for places, though.
29908 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 10:04
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine sunny morning here, but very chilly.
A brisk walk was needed in order to keep warm!
Maybe you are already at the garage.......or even the dentist?
I hope all goes well with your tooth.
I have a few phone calls to make...and some online orders to place …...
And then the day is my own!
29909 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th November 2019, 10:19
Good morning, Elle!
It's a bit nippy here, too!
I dropped my motor off at the garage earlier.
I'll 'phone dentist later, no rush, once I get my car back.
And that is all my plans for the day!
29910 of 30765  -   Report This Post