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Crossword Help Forum
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12th November 2019, 22:30
Hello, Elle!
I know the feeling about buying books.
I have quite a surplus in my Amazon account and should perhaps start browsing....whilst evading the clutches of Prime!
You must choose to do what makes you happy, Elle.
Unfortunately, I can not help you.
I don't know the terminology of clues, and have no wish to find out.
Why not go and look on YouTube?
There are lots of videos about solving puzzles there.
Or maybe crossword puzzle help books on Amazon?
Maybe worth having a look?
29941 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2019, 22:45
Update, Elle!
Have a look at this book on Amazon.
"The Times, How to Crack Cryptic Crosswords", by Tim Moorey.
This book appears to be the sort of thing that would help you, I think?
Tim Moorey sets for several newspapers including Sunday Times and Telegraph.
29942 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 07:45
Rusty, just a quick text to thank you for being the early morning Spam monitor. I think it's your reports that mean the rubbish is moved, deleted, fairly quickly.
29943 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 07:50
Hello, Malone!
Just doing my wee bit to help Norah and the Forum!
Thank you!
29944 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 07:57
Rusty, I always sigh when I see the rubbish creeping back in, but at least it's far less than it used to be and it doesn't get to stay, thank goodness!

Elle, I'm a bit like Rusty with the technical stuff, the conventions, in crosswords. Some of it, some of the terms, I don't even understand, so I tend to ignore most of it. I did see what you meant about yesterday's 'crazier/dottier' answer. On the Times website, where the puzzles are blogged and discussed, it said something like 'a rare example of the 'literal' being in the middle'. That seems to resonate with what you said.
29945 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 10:01
Hello, Malone!
The spam is not nearly so much as it used to be, thank goodness!
29946 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 10:06
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a beautiful morning here - bright blue sky and sunshine!
It is even a tad warmer than yesterday...or maybe I am just getting acclimatised!
I hope you have the same?
Hey, that is a really great reference that you sent me about solving Cryptic puzzles!
Thank you so much for taking the time and the trouble to suss out the book for me.
I have already ordered it!!!
It should hopefully be with me between Saturday and next Wednesday!
I feel that this cryptic puzzle malarkey is a "craft" that I need to learn!
A challenge that I need to meet!
(I may well fall at the first fence....)
I basically have a free day today....
What are you up to?

Hello, Malone.
Thank you for the endorsement re "crazier."
I am of the school of thought that a Cryptic crossword is not "completed" unless it is fully parsed!
Currently, I am struggling over many different types of that "reverse anagram" clue last week, that I simply could not grasp
I think it is time I tried to learn the "science" behind it all!
29947 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 10:35
Good morning, Elle!
Beautiful morning here.
Blue sky and thick white frost!
And it is cold!
There is a piece on Sky News about the flooding in Venice and photos of the portable pavements or walkways.
I wonder if the rising water is the reason Rondo Veneziano's CD is called "Venice in Peril"?
I'll have to see if I can find out.
Well done on your book!
There were quite a few on cryptic puzzles.
And you dodged "Cryptic Crossword Puzzles for Dummies"!
I can see you becoming the "go-to gal" on the forum!
I was out earlier and no particular plans today other than to be here for my grandson calling when he finishes work.
29948 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 10:40
I received a fake ( scam ) email from Amazon today regarding "my account" and Pay Pal inviting me to "click on link" to confirm something or other. I have blocked and deleted .
I am neither a customer of Amazon nor Pay Pal !
29949 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 10:48
Hello, Cerasus!
I have had three scam emails lately, two from BT, and one from Royal Bank of Scotland, supposedly.
Don't click on any "links" whatever you do.
If you are not sure if they are genuine or not, contact Amazon or PayPal through your own account and they will tell you if they are genuine or not.
Hope this does not sound like a lecture!
29950 of 30765  -   Report This Post