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8th November 2019, 15:59
Hello, Elle!
Still a great day up here!
Though the sun is starting to set.
Good news that your cousin is out of harms way.
I am sure you'd be fine with today's puzzle.
Nothing desperate in it!
I have the cycling on Red Button this evening.
The World Cup from Glasgow.
No Trotty though, but still a strong team riding.
29871 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 16:58
Hi, Rusty!
It was dark here by about 4.30 today.
I have to keep remembering the necessity of going out with the dog in the very early afternoons, now, so that we are back whilst it is still light.
It takes a bit of getting used to!
I really enjoy the lighter mornings, though....... I hate getting up in the dark.
You will enjoy having the cycling to watch this evening on the Red Button!
And I am looking forward to the ATP World Tour Finals on BBC One all next week.
A treat in store!
29872 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 17:26
Hello, Elle!
I don't really mind it getting dark earlier.
Yes, I am looking forward to the cycling over the weekend.
So is Elinor Barker!
Hopefully she will win gold in Tokyo next year!

29873 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 19:30
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the clip!
It is great to see such enthusiasm.
I too hope Elinor does well in Tokyo!
Oh dear! We have fireworks going off again here...and very loud ones tonight!
I fear this will now continue more or less till after New Year.
I shall play some loudish music to try to drown out the bangs!
29874 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th November 2019, 21:58
Hello, Elle!
No bangs here, thank goodness!
I expect Elinor to do well in Tokyo, too.
There is a lot of competition for places in the GB Team, though.
Elinor won gold tonight, in the pursuit, with Katie, Neah, and Ellie.
So, things are going along nicely.
29875 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 09:13
Rusty, I know you don't usually do the Times Jumbo, but here's a clue for you...

8 D. Pester fellow Scotsman from Tayside city (9)

Am sure you won't need a hint!
29876 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 09:38
Good morning, Malone!
I did not know that particular word for "pester" and had to consult Chambers!
A good clue though, and thank you!
29877 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 09:43
Rusty, thanks. That's exactly what I thought about the 'pester' bit, though the answer itself was pretty straightforward.
29878 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day sky, bright sunshine....and frost everywhere!
I hope you have the same?
We have no specific plans for today, other than a couple of neighbours from up the street dropping in later this morning.
The request was cloaked in mystery, so it will be interesting to see what they want?
I have solved Malone's clue form the Jumbo....
"Pester fellow Scotsman from Tayside city" (9)
A three letter word for "pester".... another three letter word for "fellow" (both beginning with "d")...... and the name of one of my cousin's for the Scotsman!
I am off to a good start!
Are you home this morning, or away out to the Pine Cone?
29879 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th November 2019, 10:31
Good morning, Elle!
Great morning here, too, but some black ice about!
I don't mind the frost at all, but I can't be doing with black ice!
Dangerous stuff!
Hope your neighbours' visit goes well!
One of your cousins has the same name as one of my good-brothers!
I am home just now, anyway. May go out later.
No Pine Cone today.
Not heard from the girls, but my grandson is visiting me on Wednesday.
One or two head-scratchers in the puzzle today.
Just finished it!
29880 of 30765  -   Report This Post