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1st November 2019, 14:25
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, Rusty, we have many great Art Galleries in London ...and most are free, save for paying to see a 'special exhibition'.
The main Galleries are The Tate Britain , in Millbank; the Tate Modern on Bankside; the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery, both in Trafalgar Square; the Courtauld Gallery in Somerset House, on the Strand; the Serpentine Gallery (this last in Hyde Park) and various others, too many to list.
I shall look for Katie, when next I go to the National Portrait Gallery...although this is not one of my favourite haunts, as I am not so keen on portraiture.
We also have a lot of interesting Museums....but I find these best taken in "small doses", otherwise it can be overwhelming.
I like the Egyptian Rooms in the British Museum.
I haven't received my crossword...I don't know what has happened to it today.......
I didn't bother chasing up John for it , as I still hadn't completed yesterday's puzzle , so I have been doing that!
I hope your friends have a good they get seasick?

Hello, Pigale!
In "days gone by", we have been to France by car ferry.
( We have never used the Eurotunnel Shuttle though)
But any long distance travelling will not happen nowadays.
My husband does not like to drive far...he thought the distance to Swanage was bad enough!
And he will not even drive up to The Midlands to visit our elder daughter and family as he now considers it too great a driving distance these days - the journey takes about four hours one way
So we are firmly rooted here!
We no longer even have valid passports (long outdated) never mind needing possible Visas!
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1st November 2019, 15:16
Hello, Elle!
Still raining!
I have heard of some of those galleries.
Yesterday's puzzle was a good one!
The Norn Iron folk are almost here.
Just passing Perth.
Must have been on the early sailing.
They are very seasoned seagoers!
Rarely, one of the young ones might be sick if it was a rough crossing.
The Venice Two are having great weather and appear to be having a cruise, according to the pics!
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1st November 2019, 17:36
Hi, Rusty!
I have been talking to my daughter for the past hour!
She always phones on her way home from work...and we had extra time to chat tonight, as the original train had "broken down", so she was going home by a circuitous route!
Fortunately, her husband had gone to collect the boys from Holiday Club and nursery.
Well, your friends will have arrived by now.......
Are you all meeting up tomorrow?
Perhaps going to the Pine Cone?
You will be pleased to see them.
Re you like those photos I sent of Burano and the Leaning Tower?
Aren't the colours superb?
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1st November 2019, 18:02
Good evening, Elle!
Still raining!
Yes, my friends are here.
Staying in a hotel down town.
There is a good chance we will meet up tomorrow, but they have many folk to see when they are here, and graves to visit etc.
We shall see what happens tomorrow.
Yes, the pics of Burano and the Tower are very good.
Must be a few buildings a bit squint due to the soggy ground, you'd think?
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1st November 2019, 19:10
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, you are right in suspecting that there are many other "leaning" towers......
How about these pictures?
Very interesting info...and bright colourful photos, too.
I hope you and your friends get the chance to meet up....but can see that they will have a lot to fit into their limited time.
How is your friend's mum getting on ?
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1st November 2019, 19:13
Oops, Rusty!
That was weird...just noticed after I'd posted that your name was still up as the last poster , instead of mine!
I am sending this to see if the line-up adjusts.....
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1st November 2019, 20:06
Hello, Elle!
I never knew there were so many leaning towers in Italy!
They seem to have cornered the market!
Thanks for the link.
Hopefully I'll see my friends tomorrow.
They went straight to see my pal's Mum when they arrived.
She was delighted to see them and they said she is much the same as last time!
Yes, I am forever changing the order of the posts.
There is a glitch in the system.
Malone mentioned it the other day, too.
A bit annoying!
29767 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st November 2019, 21:20
Hi, Rusty!
I have learned quite a lot about Italy in the last twenty-four hours!
How long is your son staying in Venice?
I've heard folk complain about the irregularity in the posts, but I have never seen that happen before.....
I always have my Settings on "latest post first"?
I seem to recall your having said that the irregularity didn't show up then?
But it certainly did this evening!
Ah well, it was but a slight hiccough!
Fireworks have been going on here all evening....and tomorrow there is a big official Fireworks display up in our local park...
Oh dear! my poor dog!
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1st November 2019, 21:45
Hello, Elle!
I do not know how long they are staying in Venice, but I suspect they may leave on Sunday.
I don't "think" the irregularity shows in latest post first, but it always does in oldest post first.
A bit of a glitch!
I have heard one or two fireworks tonight.
They are annoying!
29769 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2019, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
I am just back from my walk.
What a day!
The rain is pelting down, and we have very heavy winds whirling the leaves, twigs and smaller broken branches around the park, like a dervish!
Dog and I are giving good imitations of drowned rats!
I am glad to be home...and here I shall stay!
I hope the weather is not this severe in your neck of the woods?
Any word from your Norn Iron friends?
29770 of 30765  -   Report This Post