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12th May 2019, 16:33
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I can help you out there...I know all about the Wimbledon celebrations!
I received an email asking me if I wanted to apply for tickets......
It is a special event to celebrate the new roof on Court Number One .
There are to be several celebrity matches held on the court.......
I know that Martina Navratolova and John McEnroe are playing.
I was sorely tempted... I really was... but reluctantly decided we could not really afford the price of the tickets!
Ah, I knew "bahookie" ...but am a tad surprised that Scottish buttocks should be on show in the Sunday papers!!
Now....I have a topical crossword clue for you..... from the Sunday Times Cryptic....
Men network at party in southeastern city (7)
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12th May 2019, 17:20
Update, Rusty!
We are just leaving to go and visit the cat...….
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12th May 2019, 18:03
Hello, Elle!
Hope your visit to see your cat is a good one!
There is a programme about Wimbledon on BBC next Sunday.
Hope Martina is on it!
I am surprised you know "bahookie"!
Must be your visits to Kirkintilloch paying off!
Malone says it is in the Mephisto puzzle, which is a toughie!
That will be why "bahookie" is in it!
Now, your clue!
I am not sure of the "southeastern" bit, but I deduce the city to be
"or"/men, network/"LAN" (Local Area Network), party is a "do", giving "Orlando"!
How's that!
27243 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2019, 19:23
Hi, Rusty!
Back home again.......
Yes, I already knew "bahookie".... something my cousin said to me must have got through!
I only understood about one word in ten, and often that was my name at the end of the sentence!
Yes, you are right with "Orlando"....
I knew that you would get it!
The cat was delighted to see us! I felt dreadful going away again, though, and leaving him behind.......
We shall see what tomorrow brings.
I had better go organise dinner...we haven't found time to eat yet!
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12th May 2019, 20:10
Good evening, Elle!
Bahookie is a fine word!
A good clue for Orlando, I thought.
Sounds like the cat is perking up with the treatment?
Now.....more good news.
A second chick has just hatched at the loch!
Things are looking good!
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12th May 2019, 21:09
Good evening, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin.
She rang later than usual this week, knowing that we would be behind times with having been to the vet, and needing to have a late dinner.
All is well up north...their weather seems to be warmer than does ours.
That is good news about the birth of a second chick.. I have just looked in, but could see nothing of note.
I shall look again in a little while.
Any word from the travellers?

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13th May 2019, 06:49
Good morning, Elle!
Another fine morning here!
I think your cousin's weather seems to be same as here.
We are expecting 17C today.
Both bird parents left the nest yesterday leaving the two chicks and the third egg on their own.
Risking danger with the crows etc!
Nothing new from the travellers.
I'll text them later today.
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13th May 2019, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely day here, too, although a tad chilly as yet.
i caught a glimpse of both osprey chicks just a few minutes ago!
This is the first time I have seen Number Two chick.
I have just spoken to the vet about my poorly cat.
His temperature is up again, and she is not very happy about him...
He is having an MRI scan of his pancreas this morning to see what exactly is going on.
It is unfortunate that we shall not be contactable during the day, as we shall be away at the funeral.
The funeral is not local, so we shall be out for most of the day......leaving in about half an hour.
We have to cross London, so will travel by train and then Tube.
I am hoping to be back about 6 ish...and so will phone the vet then, for a progress report.
I hope your day will be better then mine!
Talk tonight?
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13th May 2019, 18:05
Hello, Elle!
Been grand weather here today!
Hope you get positive news about your cat when you 'phone vet.
My day has been fine.
The travellers are visiting Robinson Preserve today.
It is supposed to be good there.
Sad news about Doris Day.
I liked her a lot.
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13th May 2019, 19:37
Good evening, Rusty!
I am only just home......
I came back from the funeral, only to go over to see the vet.
What a day it has been......
The cat has had an MRI scan of his pancreas......confirming an attack of pancreatitis, but not offering a solution.
On the plus side, no tumours have been seen/ found..... but if the attacks continue, then he may need a CT scan and biopsies of the pancreas, in order to investigate further .
I have to administer a liquid anti- inflammatory starting tomorrow........
Fun and games ahead!
i had not heard that Doris Day had died.
I , too, liked her films, specially when she was paired with Rock Hudson.
"Pillow Talk" comes to mind!
I am in desperate need of a coffee....
27250 of 30765  -   Report This Post