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13th May 2019, 19:48
Good evening, Elle!
A busy day for you, indeed!
So, you have brought the cat home?
I do not envy you administering the liquid tomorrow!
Yes, poor Doris Day, a genuine star!
I think everyone took to her.
Her and Rock were great together.
I have the "Deadwood Stage" as an earworm, now, and intermittently, "Que Sera Sera"!
BBC News showed a lot of clips from her films today.
27251 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2019, 20:34
Hi, Rusty!
I feel a little better now, having had something to eat and drink......
It has been a long - and hard - day.
Yes, we have brought the cat home.
There is nothing more that can be done for him at present, and he frets so, when away from us.
He is in a bit of a sorry state...his tummy has been shaved for the scan, and he has bare patches up his legs where the drips have been.
He is still dopey from the anaesthetic, but is obviously pleased to be home.
I do hope he will be is very worrying.
Where, and what, is Robinson Preserve, Rusty?
Is this on Anna Maria Island?
27252 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2019, 21:05
Hello, Elle!
I am sure you are worried about your cat, naturally enough.
But, at least, he is home now.
Robinson Preserve is a large natural park consisting of mangrove swamps as far as I understand.
It has hiking and biking trails, kayaking etc.
Lots of wildlife, including ospreys!
It is near Anna Maria Island, but not on it.
I have not heard from them since this morning so I do not know how they got on, there.
But, they love Florida, so I'm sure it was fine!
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13th May 2019, 21:39
Hi, Rusty!
Robinson Preserve sounds great!
Are your son and daughter- in -law interested in hiking and biking etc?
Would they be taking part in an activity?
Or were they there to observe the wildlife?
Speaking of ospreys... I was reading that the Rangers think that it is eggs numbers one and two that have hatched; number one being somewhat delayed by missing over an hour's incubation along the line.....when both mum and dad reneged on their duty!
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13th May 2019, 21:46
Hello, Elle!
The Preserve does sound great.
They do quite a bit of hiking with their dog!
I do not know what they will be up to when they get there.
Maybe they will tell me when they get in touch.
I hope egg three hatches, but often it wont.

Here's a clip of the one and only Doris Day as Calamity Jane!

27255 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2019, 23:21
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! Sorry...I have had a short (?) zizz.....
The cat awakened me , probably because I had stopped stroking him!
Ah, I well remember "Calamity Jane ".....yes, I enjoyed the clip - thank you!
Hopefully, the BBC will become nostalgic and will show some of Doris Day's old films.
That would be good.
And now I am away to my bed before I go to sleep again on the sofa!
It has been a long day.
27256 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th May 2019, 11:12
Good morning, Elle!
It's a cracker of a day here, as they forecast!
How is the cat this morning?
I am just heading out for a walk, in shirtsleeves!

27257 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th May 2019, 12:02
Hi, Rusty!
It is a great day here, too!
Albeit certainly not "shirt sleeves" weather!
I wore a fleece earlier, when I was out walking the dog
Thank you for enquiring after the cat...he is not too well, I am afraid.
But then I guess recovery will take time..... he still has anti - inflammatories to take .
Maybe, hopefully, his condition will improve once he has finished the medication.
I am doing my best to look after him.....
How was your walk?
27258 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th May 2019, 12:39
Hello, Elle!
Well, it is warm here!
A lovely day!
Pity about your poor cat.
Let's hope the medication helps him.
Walk was fine.
I tend to be a fast walker, but took it easier today because of the heat!
Just finished my puzzle.
A good one, today!
27259 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th May 2019, 13:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is warming up nicely here now, too....I think we are set to hit 17C mid afternoon.
I am not going beyond the garden again today, though, as I want to keep a weather eye on the cat.
He is avid for my attention....hopefully some tlc will help!
Like you, I considered myself a fast walker, until I noticed recently that (occasionally! ) younger folk were overtaking me!
And I consider that I am reasonably fit?
I don't like this "getting old (er)" is definitely not for wimps!
I have only just got around to printing out my puzzle!
27260 of 30765  -   Report This Post