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9th May 2019, 21:34
Hi, Rusty!
It is good to hear that they have arrived safely!
Yes, it has been raining on and off all the day...quite heavily at times.
Our grass is shooting up and needs cutting again......
I want to go to Poll Hill Garden Centre some time , and buy some more fuchsias.....
I had a few die off last year, and need to replace them for my patio pots.
I am not really a keen gardener, although I like the garden to look nice......
But I am very enthusiastic about my patio plants.......
I have twenty seven tubs /pots / hanging baskets.
They look fantastic when all the plants are in bloom!
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9th May 2019, 22:00
Hello, Elle!
We are meant to be getting a heatwave on Tuesday.
Warmer than Barcelona, the local paper says.
I like neat gardens but I am not overly keen on flowers.
I like bluebells and lavender plants though.
The pavements and paths around here are all white with apple blossom.
Looks nice!
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9th May 2019, 22:39
Hi, Rusty!
There is no mention, so far, of our having warm/ hot? weather here, on Tuesday.
I have just checked our local forecast.
And it is decidedly chilly out now...and still wet!
I have just cleaned up, and dried, a very wet dog.
Oh, I love flowers, but, as I will have mentioned before, our local soil does not lend itself to very successful flower growing in the garden beds.
(Hence my patio pots!)
We have bushes and trees.
The rose bushes do well...and this year we have had a magnificent display of bluebells.
And I have a small lavender tree that my daughter bought me for my birthday!
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10th May 2019, 06:57
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely day here!
I looked at local forecast and they guess 18C for Tuesday.
Hardly a heatwave though most accepable!
Perfect for me as I can't be doing with much hotter weather.
One of my favourite things to do is a walk through a bluebell wood!
Simple pleasures!
Wonder how Lassie and Erchie are getting on?

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10th May 2019, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
The day here started off damp and was wellies and raincoat for the early morning walk!
But the sun is creeping out I expect it will warm up......
We have an abundance of bluebells in the local woods......and one of my favourite places at this time of year is the Bluebell Woods and Walk in Kew Gardens.
You would love that!
I've just looked in on Lassie... nothing seems to be happening...
I am still wondering whether that first (partially neglected) egg will be viable?
I didn't see Erchie!
Do you have anything special planned for today?
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10th May 2019, 10:39
Hello, Elle!
I have heard of the Kew Gardens!
I would love the bluebells there, indeed.
Have lots around here, though.
No plans today, but I've been out twice today, already.
Did you know this is Superhero Day?
The ASDA girls are all dressed up as Wonderwoman and Batgirl etc!
It is for charity and I hope it goes well!
The Florida folk are getting on well.
They drive to the island today.
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10th May 2019, 11:46
Hi, Rusty!
We only have Spanish bluebells in our garden........not particularly from choice, as I do not recall ever having planted bluebell bulbs...... but because the Spanish variety , like Topsy, "just growed!
Kew Gardens have a mixture of primarily English, and also Spanish, flowers.
Well worth an annual visit!
No, I didn't realise that this is Superhero Day?
I have a feeling that last year, BB and YB both dressed up as Superheroes for school and nursery...... but I could have mistaken the occasion.....
My daughter certainly hasn't mentioned its happening again today.
I shall check with her later.
I am glad that your son is keeping in touch........
What time will they arrive on the island?
Is it far to drive?
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10th May 2019, 12:27
I read somewhere this week that "English" bluebells actually have a genetic advantge over Spanish ones in our conditions, so the risk of the latter taking over is lower than previously supposed.
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10th May 2019, 12:49
Yes, I read that, too, Chris…..
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10th May 2019, 13:05
Hello, Elle!
I have no idea what kind of bluebells grow here.
But, I know that I like them!
Superhero Day was a surprise to me, too!
Some great oufits the girls had on.
The lads did not join in!
I don't know when they leave for the island but they say it is a two hour drive.
I'll hear later from them.
I am heading out for a walk on the Nature Trail now.
Maybe see one or two of Erchie's pals!
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