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11th May 2019, 20:09
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have been having problems, too.
I had to give up earlier, and come back to it after a while.
At one point, what I had already typed out to you in my previous post ...disappeared!
And I had to begin again!
Yes, I believe that pancreatitis is indeed very painful.
My Scottish cousin (in Kirkintilloch) died from pancreatic cancer.
I am just hoping that the cat does not have a tumour underlying all this .
Yes, hopefully, I shall learn more tomorrow.
The vet will ring me in the morning.
I am recording BGT...and reading my book for now......
What are you doing?
27221 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 20:12
Hello, Elle,
I am watching Lassie.
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11th May 2019, 20:14
Oops, Rusty!
Our posts crossed!
I've just been watching Lassie....she looks restless , but I couldn't see a baby chick?
Did you see it happen?
27223 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 20:16
Hello, Elle!
I switched off and unplugged everything for two minutes, and it seems to be OK again.
Fingers crossed.
My nephew had pancreatitis and was in agony with it.
The rangers have confirmed the hatching on Twitter.
27224 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 20:17
Crossed again, Rusty!
Wow, thank you for the clip
How absolutely adorable!
That has made my evening.....
27225 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 20:20
Hello, Elle,
Lassie was looking a bit unsettled and moving about a bit, then the broken eggshell appeared and the chick was there!
Exciting stuff!
27226 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 21:02
Hi, Rusty!
I've just realised that I did not finish today's crossword.....
We went off to the vets, and I forgot about the puzzle!
I shall maybe make a coffee.....and tackle the rest of the crossword now.
Did the Rangers mention on Twitter which egg they thought had
I wonder whether it was indeed the first one laid...or whether that one wasn't viable, after being briefly neglected during the incubation period?
27227 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th May 2019, 21:15
Hello, Elle!
I did my puzzle in the morning.
I have forgotten it now!
It was a good one, though!
No, I do not think the Rangers mentioned which egg it was.
I suspect it was the first egg, as the rangers said during the week they expected a hatch at this weekend.
They had the camera zoomed in, a-waiting the event.
My son has sent me a super photo he took last night, of a large stork on the beach at sunset.
27228 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2019, 10:36
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is a beautiful day here...warm and sunny.
We are just home from the park...... a good turnout up there this morning......
The Commercial Vehicles London to Brighton Run started from there at 7am...and there was also a (very well attended )Triathlon taking place.....
So very busy!
It is as well it is a large park.....and consequently space for everyone!
No news from the vet as yet this morning....
I shall have to curb my worry and impatience ...and settle down to doing the Everyman!
What are you up to, today?
27229 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2019, 11:50
Good day, Elle!
Great day here, too.
Nice and warm out.
I am just home.
I have been visiting some of the family.
Off for a stroll now.
27230 of 30765  -   Report This Post