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15th May 2019, 09:48
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A glorious day here.
I am just home from my walk.
I love being out so early in the morning!
I have nothing scheduled for today...I shall take it (calmly?) as it comes.......
I may even get time to finish the crossword!
How are your cycling events going?
Do they last over several days?
27271 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 10:31
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here. It is warm!
Just home from cemetery and TESCO.
It is a very mountainous Tour of California this year.
Great scenery, though!
Sagan is finding some form there, at last.
His target for the year is the green jersey in Le Tour.
The Tour of California lasts seven days.
Il Giro is a grand tour lasting three weeks.
How is your cat getting on today?
27272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 11:12
Update, Elle!
Rangers at the loch Tweeting that the third chick is about to hatch.
They can hear him/her cheeping and there is a hole in the egg!
27273 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 11:27
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is warm here, too.
I have been doing a few household chores.....
I shall take a look at the crossword shortly!
Have you done yours?
Thank you for asking after the cat.
It is hard to assess how he is doing....he is eating , but not a lot..... using his litter tray adequately.......
He suffered last night's meds being dripped down his throat - fortunately, he only has to take it once every 24 hours.
But I would say that he is still in pain.....
However, I guess it will take time for the condition to right itself...assuming hopefully that it does.
It's rather a waiting game........
Yes, you are indeed going to be busy watching the cycle tours - I had not realised that they went on for so long.
Right...a coffee...and the puzzle!
27274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 11:32
P.S. Rusty!
Your update about the third chick's attempt to hatch was not there when I started typing my previous post...
Thank you for the "warning".....I shall keep a look out!
27275 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 12:49
Hello, Elle!
No sign of No 3 chick yet!
I record the Tour of California as it is transmitted around midnight.
The grand tours last three weeks.
I've done my puzzle earlier today.
Holding off from walking until it gets cooler, as forecast.
27276 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 14:37
Hi, Rusty!
I have looked in on Lassie from time to time, but have noticed nothing unusual so far?
I have been hoping to see the "hatching" of chick Number 3 as it happens!
It is lovely here...warm, but not excessively so.
I have put my puzzle aside ..only a few clues still to solve... I shall look at them later when inspiration may strike.
We are just about to go out for a walk with the dog.
No coats /jackets needed!
27277 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 17:28
Hello, Elle!
Still a great day here.
No need for jackets today!
Just watched today's stage in the Tour of Italy and the rain was hammering down the whole day!
There was a little beak poking out of the hole in the egg, the last time I looked.
Chick 3 does not appear to be in a hurry!
27278 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 19:20
Hi, Rusty!
We had a great walk!
And I have talked to my daughter.......
Any news from the travellers today?
They seem to be good at keeping in touch and supplying you with interesting photos!
I keep checking in with Lassie, but , unlike you, never get to see anything happening?
Lassie is just sitting there, with babes and remaining egg (?) under cover .
Or has it hatched yet?
There is no updating blog that I can find?
27279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 19:50
Hello, Elle!
The travellers were going to Animal Kingdom today, but not heard from them since morning.
The egg has a large crack in it, now.
And occasionally a little beak pops out.
I am getting extra info from the folk on the RSPB site.
Loch of the Lowes seem to have removed the squirrelcam from their site.
Don't recall them mentioning it?
27280 of 30765  -   Report This Post