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15th May 2019, 20:31
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, I have now clicked on the Twitter link..........I was unaware that I could do that without belonging to Twitter?
And have now seen clips both of Lassie feeding the two chicks, and also the third "new" chick with its head poking out of the cracked egg!
Very exciting!
Nothing to be seen, though, on the Osprey website?
I've never taken note of the squirrel webcam, though, so cannot help you?
27281 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you can watch the Twitter video, but you will not be able to post.
The hatchling is taking his/her time!
The squirrel webcam has not been showing for ages.
Now it has been removed without any explanation.
I often watched the squirrels.
27282 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 21:34
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I see, thank you for explaining.
That is fine...I do not want to post on Twitter, but it is good to know that I can follow the ospreys on there.
I have never looked in on the squirrels......
We have our own squirrel "visitors" who come daily to be fed!
If we are not taking notice, they rap on the window!
I have finally finished the crossword... it's been a "fits and starts" attempt today.
I liked 12a: forward-looking; 3d: bushwhacking and 18d: average
I was not very impressed with "heli, go land"!!!
27283 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th May 2019, 21:52
Hello, Elle!
I liked "Heli go land"!
I do not tweet on Twitter, but I find it excellent for following folk that I am interested in.
Like Trotty, Willie Mullins, Laura Muir, etc, and the local Police and newspapers, and one or two dictionaries.
I like Twitter!
I liked the squirrelcam but it has disappeared!
I may email them to ask what is it they are playing at!
27284 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2019, 07:09
Update, Elle!
Third chick hatched this morning!
New blog posted by Rory.
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16th May 2019, 10:07
Good morning, Rusty!
What a lovely surprise to read your post, and find that the third chick has now hatched!
I have just looked at the blog and seen the photos.... and watched a short video.
Mum seemed almost to be tipping the new baby out of the egg?
Great to see three little faces looking up!
It is a lovely morning here.......I had a great walk....and met a friend's new dog.
We are shortly going to go to Ikea, which is over on the far side of Croydon.
We need several items replaced that were damaged in our "flood".
I love Ikea- it is a wonderful shop...but getting out of there when paying needs a great deal of patience and stamina!!
The tills are a nightmare!
Oh, did you find out about the Squirrel webcam?

27286 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2019, 13:45
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great weather here!
The chicks are doing fine!
Not contacted them regarding the squirrelcam.
I'll do that when I return.
Rather you than me at Ikea!
27287 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2019, 15:47
Hi, Rusty!
We have just staggered home......
My word, shopping is exhausting!
I can report on a successful trip, however.
Mission accomplished a few extras I espied on the way round the shop!
Yes, hot here, too - the temperature is in the low twenties.
What have you been up to?
27288 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2019, 17:07
Hello, Elle!
Well done on your shopping trip!
Warm here, as well.
I was at Pine Cone with Miss L-B in the morning.
Had a bit of a walk later and watched a bit of the Giro.
Dry weather in Italy today!
I got a reply to my email about the squirrelcam.
Cherry said it had became "extremely problematic" and the quality was "basically useless".
There are no plans to bring it back this season.
Anyway, the chicks are doing fine!
27289 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2019, 18:30
Good evening, Rusty!
You have had an enjoyable and busy day!
That is good....
Miss L-B is doing a great job of looking after you!
And the blue sky and sunshine helps towards the general sense of wellbeing, doesn't it?!
I can just cope with this degree of hotness.....any warmer and I should wilt!
Today has been perfect.
I have just given the cat a dose of medicine.....only one more to go tomorrow.....
I hope this will prove sufficient and he keeps well.
It feels a bit like the sword of Damocles is hanging over us....I am dreading his having another relapse.
Keep your fingers crossed all will be well......
I had wondered whether the removal of the squirrel webcam had anything to do with the outbreak of squirrel pox?
But it sounds as though it is a purely technical problem?
27290 of 30765  -   Report This Post