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7th May 2019, 23:12
Hi, Rusty!
"Angels Inc" was the act where numerous girls kept appearing out of (covered up) cages!
It wasn't to my taste.......but I just couldn't see how on earth they did it!
No, you are right...there is definitely no act reaching the standard of "Diversity" as yet!
I only heard about Ashleigh and Pudsey - I never saw the act!
I wonder if there is going to be another series of "The Voice Kids: UK"?
27141 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 06:25
Good morning, Elle!
A bit drizzly here, so far!
A wet walk to ASDA ahead!
I recall "Angels Inc" now.
Quite a good illusion, but I've no idea how it's done.
Ashleigh was a young girl, with Pudsey, her dog.
You could not help but like them, and no hard luck story!
I had a look at the betting for the winners.
Flakefleet Primary School choir are favourites, so far.
I can't remember them!
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8th May 2019, 10:09
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is pouring down here!
I am just home from the park.
I have a very poggy dog, and I had to change my jeans.
All good fun though!
One of the veterinary nurses phoned me, whilst I was out walking, to tell me that my cat has had a reasonable night, eaten a little, and his temp is down.
That is good.
They have finally managed to take a urine sample, so that will go off for testing.
The vet will do an assessment of the cat's condition later , and will call me.
But if the cat doesn't come home today, we shall definitely go to see him.
The previous vet regime used actively to encourage this.
I am unsure how the "new folk" will react to the idea?
I don't know Flakefleet School choir, either?
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8th May 2019, 10:35
Hello, Elle!
The drizzle has developed into heavy rain, here!
I drove to ASDA rather than walk.
I am home now, awaiting an Amazon delivery which could be as late as 9.00 p.m.!
Your cat seems to be in good care, anyway.
I'll maybe hunt out this choir.
I've almost certainly seen them, too, but don't remember them!
I've just applied for a free TV license.
I tried to do it online but was going round in circles, so I 'phoned them, and a very friendly young man sorted it out for me in two minutes!
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8th May 2019, 11:05
Hi, Rusty!
I have to go to the vet...
Talk when I get back.....
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8th May 2019, 13:18
Hi, Rusty!
I am home again!
And the good news is that we have brought the cat with us!
He is much better than previously, and the vet deemed that he would be happier at home, whilst she is awaiting the results of the urine test , which will take 2-3 days .
We are to give him his medication here.....and the vet will phone once the urine results are through.
The meds may then be changed, according to what the urine analysis shows. far, so good!
And the cat is happy to be home!
You have left it a little late to apply for your free TV licence?
Could you not have done this on/ just after your last birthday?
The money is better in your pocket, than in that of whoever charges us for the licences!
I am glad it is sorted!
Did you find the children's choir?
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8th May 2019, 13:49
Hello, Elle!
Your cat seems almost back to normal.
Good news indeed.

The TV license lad was very good to deal with.
He said it does not matter when you apply, any money paid after a 75th birthday will be automatically refunded.
A two minute 'phone call and it was all taken care of.

I have found the choir.
I remember it because of the young ones' teacher.
And I am pretty sure I spotted Trotty in the audience!

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8th May 2019, 13:51
You might find this useful, elle!
27148 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 14:56
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the cat is doing quite nicely......
I did not realise that you would get a refund for the money paid unnecessarily, for a TV licence.
That is indeed good to hear!
Ah, yes, now I do remember that children's choir!
I did not realise that it was so called.
I had come across it by accident, when flicking through a previous recording of BGT to see if I thought there was any act worth watching (you know how I hate these early "stages")
I remember being impressed by their enthusiasm and the fun they all had in performing!
But, in all honesty, I could not see the act progressing - it was "fun", but there was no ability?
Does that sound harsh? It wasn't meant to be .....just calling it as I see it......
I searched for Trotty, but didn't see her?

Chris, that was hilarious!
I actually laughed out loud!
I have printed it out.....
My cat is notorious for being difficult as regards pill - taking.... not even the experienced vets can manage to give a pill to him!
He is usually either given a long- acting antibiotic injection .....or in this instance , a liquid med that I can pull up in a syringe and squirt into his mouth!
We start tomorrow.......!
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8th May 2019, 15:55
Hello, Elle!
No, the choir has no chance of winning.
Goodness knows how Paddy P has them favourite!
They were enjoyable and "sir" came over as very nice lad, but the magicians and aerialists etc were very talented acts.
Dave and Finn (the dog) are second favourites.
The camera did not linger on Trotty (if it was her!).
I only got a brief glimpse.
27150 of 30765  -   Report This Post