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8th May 2019, 21:35
Hello, Elle!
Yes, they like Anna Maria Island.
Miss O is at school most days, whereas La Bamba is often at home (and more dependable!).
"Archie" is not a name I would have guessed at!
But it's a fine name, I think, and he seems to be a fine healthy baby and that's the important thing!
Got a bit away from traditional Royal names.
I know a couple of "Erchies"!
Do you approve of "Archie"?
27161 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 22:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I can understand that Miss O is further away , being at school, and Miss L- B, when at home, is "just up the road"!
It is nice that she is also deemed to be reliable!
You will be in good hands!
I am not sure about "Archie"... ...
The only "Archie" I have known was a large white cat!
It perhaps colours my perspective!
27162 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 22:18
Rustie, I haven't heard 'Erchie' for years, thanks for the reminder! I think every Scots family had one of those when I was young - that and a 'Boab' or 'Boabie' I'm guessing at the spelling, I only heard the names, don't think I ever saw them written down.
27163 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 22:33
Hello, Elle.
I responded to your post but it has got lost on me!
Now, Miss L-B is not only nearby but if I may be allowed to be a tad maudlin for a minute, she is also heaven sent!
And we get on great!
When the new bairn ventures North of the Border, he will be known as "Erchie" to one and all!
There are no Archies up here, only "Erchies"!
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8th May 2019, 22:37
Hi, Rusty!
I think I am missing something here?
Is there a double meaning to "Erchie"?!
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8th May 2019, 22:38
Hello, Malone!
I've met a few "Erchies" in my time and any amount of "Boabs", and several "Ecks"!
I liked this "Erchie" a lot, by a favourite author of mine, Neil Munro.

27166 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 22:44
Hello, Elle!
No, I don't think you are missing anything.
Up here, "Archie" is "Erchie".
Same name but with a different pronunciation, is all.
I am sure the Scottish branch of your clan may have an Erchie somewhere in the family tree!
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8th May 2019, 22:57
Hi, Rusty!
Is the name spelled differently then.......with an "E"?
Or just pronounced as such?
I shall have to ask the Scottish family members about this!
Although most of the "oldies" are gone now...only my cousin's wife remaining in the older age group ......and the younger ones may not know?
You have mentioned Neil Munro before, in connection with "Para Handy"!
27168 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
If you are known as "Erchie", you would likely spell it so, yes.
Yes, ask the family, I'm sure they will know, or know of, several Erchies!
I enjoy Neil Munro.
He is best known for Para Handy (Peter Macfarlane), but he also wrote about Erchie MacPherson who was a waiter and kirk beadle in Glasgow, and he wrote about Jimmy Swan who was a commercial traveller.
Munro was a good friend of J.M. Barrie and Joseph Conrad.
27169 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2019, 23:31
Hi, Rusty!
I have not heard tell of any "Erchies" (or Archies!) in our family....but the Scottish contingent may know of some.
Yes, I shall enquire!
My cousin had drawn up a large family tree...but I do not know if any of his near family members have a copy of it.
I did one of our side of the family ...up to a point...but found myself more interested in discovering "live" family members , than forebears!
You mentioned Joseph Conrad......
I "did" him for English GCE - "Typhoon and "Youth"!
And now I am away to my will be good to have the cat back sharing our space....... we missed him last night!
27170 of 30765  -   Report This Post