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7th May 2019, 16:54
Rusty, my Collins gives OS as an abbreviation for 'outstanding, in banking'.
27121 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 17:20
Yes, does mine - just found it!
So yours will be the same …...very small print!
Look again?
27122 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 17:37
Talk about coincidence! I had never heard of "oof" for money until your post, elle, but I've just come across it in detective story I'm reading (set in the early 1900s).

Best wishes for your cat, elle. I thought one of ours was look a bit off-colour today, but he ate far more than usual!
27123 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 18:34
Hello, Malone and Elle!
Amn't I a Silly Billy!
I see "os" in Collins now.
I'll put it down to a senior moment, me not seeing it!
Thank you both for helping me, and apologies to our worthy setter for having a wee doubt about his/her parsing!
27124 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 18:39
Rusty, my Collins is a new addition to my shelf (though it's a rather old edition) and I was glad to have a word to investigate! The OS is normal-sized in mine.
27125 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 18:53
Hello, Malone.
My Collins is the 6th edition, published 2003.
I have not long had it and I think it a super dictionary.
I got mine on eBay, it is in great nick, and was a very reasonable price.
I still don't know how I missed "os" when I was looking!
27126 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 19:09
Good evening, Rusty!
I am sorry for the delay in responding to your earlier post.
My time has been spent in fielding anxious queries from daughters and actually...finally...... speaking to the vet!
She phoned at 6.30 pm., having been caught up in an emergency.
My cat is doing reasonably well...his temperature is down and he has eaten a little.
There is nothing especially wrong with his results.
His ALT is somewhat raised, but not enough to cause worry about his liver.
The vet is waiting on the cat providing a urine sample.... then they can test for a urine infection.
But in the meantime he is being given intravenous antibiotics anyway, because of the earlier extremely high temperature.
So...... looking more hopeful than I had envisaged.
The vet will phone again in the morning.
Yes, to answer your question , 24 hour cover!

Chris, thank you for your concern.
There is no definite diagnosis as yet...but the cat is improving!
He is being given intravenous antibiotics, as his temperature was so high this morning.
I'm glad your cat has perked up ...and is eating well!

27127 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 19:17
Rusty, mine is the 6th edition, but published 2004. It's pretty hefty! I'm still getting used to there being three columns to a page.
27128 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 19:23
Hello, Elle!
That is positive news about your cat.
Good to know he is improving.
My liver ALT was raised a bit, too!
Will you visit, seeing as it is a 24 hour surgery, or is that frowned upon?
27129 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 19:25
Hello, Malone1
Sounds as if we have the same one!
Elle bought the same dictionary, too.
It is hefty alright!
Heftier than Chambers.
Would make a fine doorstop.
I really like it, though!
27130 of 30765  -   Report This Post