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29th January 2019, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I see...yes, it was sensible of you to go to see the dentist earlier......
The results of the tests he has done today will hopefully be ready when you go to see him next Monday, and he will then know how best to treat you for the "dry mouth".
Meanwhile, I hope it will not continue to be as painful.
Raining heavily now , with occasional sleet thrown in....
We are warned about icy roads and pavements for tomorrow!
25361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2019, 22:35
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I had my sensible head on yesterday!
The tests may give a clue, and dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications, and chemo and radiotherapy etc.
So, quite tricky for the medical folks to pin down.
May even just be my age!
Do not you find there are many warnings for "weather" these days, and many do not live up to the hype?
But be careful when walking anyway!
25362 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th January 2019, 23:03
I have xerostomia as well, rusty! (how's that for a new word?) I take no medications whatsoever (but antimalarials make it far, far worse). I think all one can do is take lots of small drinks and never go to bed without a handy glass of water. Waking up with your mouth all stuck together isn't at all nice.

I agree about the weather warnings often being over the top. I worried about going out this evening and there was a slight sleet furry, nothing to worry about at all.
25363 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 08:01
Hello, Rosalind!
I like your word!
I only came across it yesterday!
What's the odds of it appearing in a puzzle in the next day or two!
My dentist advised exactly what you are saying.
Frequent small sips of water, and he prescribed Colgate Duraphat 2800 toothpaste.
I suspect I may have a slight oral infection, too, but we shall see when results are in from the lab!
25364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 09:23
rusty- Iac could be xerostoma and 1d xerophyte (plants in dry places, like that yellow lichen you see on rocks/gravestones)!! We shall see.

My grandson has prescribed high fluoride toothpaste as well, since at least one of his teeth has faulty enamel. It should help.
25365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here...we are doing very well...more blue sky and sunshine!
However, it is bitterly cold....a given temperature of minus 1C, but the forecast says it will feel more like minus 5!
Very treacherous underfoot.
We missed out on the snow thankfully, but a mile away, there was about an inch of snow in the park!
How is your mouth feeling this morning?
25366 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 10:58
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, but cold!
Hard frost, but I try and walk on the grass if I can.
I was at ASDA earlier and thanked the girls for telling me about Yorkshire's Hannah Hauxwell!
Her book is on the way here.
I think my mouth is a work in progress.
Much the same today, but I got some rehydration sachets in ASDA today, in case I am a bit dehydrated.
Every little thing helps.
Some great pics in my local paper of Duchess Kate and William in town yesterday.
They seem to be highly popular!
25367 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 11:47
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I, too, walked on the grass this morning!
Crossed the field and tramped through the woods!
Much safer!
It is far better to fall (if one must) on frosty grass, or frozen mud, than on a hard path!
Was it a special exhibition at the V & A that William and Kate were attending?
Are they staying in your area?
This morning, I have managed to sort out a few more details for my friend , resulting from yesterday's enquiries!
I am glad that all the tedious phone calls I made have finally brought forth fruit!
I sometimes despair of getting a "human" on the other end of a phone!
But today , I "found" a very nice helpful lady!
25368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 12:48
Hello, Elle!
I agree, much better to clatter down on grass than the hard pavement.
Duchess Kate was officially opening the V&A Museum.
I thought she looked great.
She wore a lovely outfit in Clan Campbell (I think!) tartan.
I don't know where they are staying.
Probably a flying visit.
She has young ones to tend, you see.
Is it London she lives?
But, anyway, the town loved seeing her and "haste ye back, Ma'am!".
Well done on your fruitful 'phone calls.
25369 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th January 2019, 13:18

Yes it must have been boring on the boats. The groundstaff was much more interesting. Brushing-up first thing, then Car Parks, Push-chair hire and exit gate. As the zoo closed at dusk in those days, you could work 8am - 10pm in June. Double time on Sundays. We loved it!
25370 of 30765  -   Report This Post