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27th January 2019, 15:44
Good afternoon, Elle!
Beautiful windy day here!
Miss O and me had a great time!
A good bit of banter with the staff at Pine Cone, too.
All good fun!
One of the waitresses told us she is hoping to become a vet eventually, when she leaves school, but she had never heard of Laura Muir!
Novak played splendidly.
A fine champion, I think.
The whole tournament was very well put on by the Aussies.
I liked what I saw of it!
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27th January 2019, 17:07
Hi, Rusty!
We met up with more rain.......and even had a thunderstorm.
But fortunately the thunder broke just after we arrived home - otherwise the dog would have gone ballistic had it happened whilst she was out!
It sounds as though Asda is good at offering employment to students?
My younger daughter worked for Pizza Hut all through the school Sixth form, and whilst at Uni.
They too proved to be considerate employers, working out rotas to fit in with lectures.
I am catching up with watching "Cold Feet" and "Casualty"!
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27th January 2019, 19:44
Good evening, Elle!
I think you mean "Pine Cone" is good at offering jobs to students, Elle, do you?
If so, then yes, they do.
They have quite a few schoolgirls and students working there, especially at weekends.
And all excellent workers, and friendly, a credit to themselves and their families!
But, if you did mean ASDA, I think they are quite good, too.
They have quite a few students working there.
So, too, are B&Q good with the students, where La Bamba works, and Miss O before her.
I don't know "Cold Feet"!
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27th January 2019, 21:03
Hi, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin for the past hour.
She has had several inches of snow!
Yes, I did indeed mean the Pine Cone..... the restaurant reference is what brought to mind the comparison with student jobs offered by Pizza Hut!
Another senior moment!
It was interesting reading what Cerasus had to say about the illness, and subsequent retirement, of the Everyman 's usual setter,
I finished this week's very easy puzzle as it came "out", just after midnight!
But in some instances definitions , anagram indicators, and reference to a homophone were missing from the clues.
I even went back online later, to see if the apparent omissions had been remedied, thinking it might have been a printer's error.
I hope next week's puzzle is back up to its usual excellent standard.
It's gone very cold here...... and very windy!
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27th January 2019, 21:34
Hello, Elle!
Is your cousin able to get out and about in the snow?
I did not see anything on the News about snowfalls.
None here....yet!
I thought you meant Pine Cone!
You were doing a puzzle after midnight?!!
Goodness, you are keen!
Well, it seems to have been a poorish puzzle if several of you noticed "quirks" in it.
I hope it returns to its normal standard.
There may be letters of complaint fired off to the Editor about it!
It is cold and windy here, too.
I have just ordered a book about Hannah Hauxwell.
An omnibus, in fact.
It gets excellent reviews, so that's encouraging!
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27th January 2019, 22:12
Hi, Rusty!
No, I checked out Blackburn on the BBC weather forecast, and there was no mention of snow there....but none -the-less, some snow had fallen where my cousin lives.
There are large stretches of moorland, and small country roads, so maybe "pockets" of snow?
No, it would not be easy for my cousin to get about, if she cannot use her car, as she lives out of Blackburn itself.
But she has a fridge and freezer and only herself for whom to cater on a daily basis, plus a daughter within easy reach, so should cope all right, even if conditions worsen.
My husband keeps telling me he saw snowflakes when going out for The Sunday Times this afternoon.....
I think it a figment of his imagination!
I only saw rain!
I hope the book about Hannah Hauxwell lives up to your expectations!
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27th January 2019, 22:28
Hello, Elle!
There could well be isolated falls of snow, so your husband will probably be right.
Did his trip take him uphill, at all?
Snow falls on the high ground first.
Now, you mentioned your cousin having a fridge and freezer!
Hannah had no electricity, so no fridge.
She put her food in plastic bags and hung them from the ceiling so the rats would not get her food.
I think I'll like the book.
I certainly like Hannah in the videos.
She comes across as an educated lady with a lovely nature.
That's just my opinion, though.
I think the world needs more Hannahs!
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28th January 2019, 10:23
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a glorious day here..... blue sky, sunshine.
Bitterly cold, though, and very frosty with the temperature registering 1C, but the forecast saying that it will feel more like minus 1!
A most enjoyable - very brisk! - walk .
Relatively clean dog!
What is it like in your neck of the woods?
Poor Hannah! I would not like to share my house (let alone maybe my food) with a rat!!
I wonder did the hanging of food from the ceiling always work?
I believe that rats can climb roughly plastered walls......and they also live in ceilings.........maybe they could burrow through to the food. on occasions?
Your book should be interesting!
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28th January 2019, 12:45
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great day here, too.
Quite cold, but the frost is melting.
I was out for a while in the morning, but home for the day now.
Hannah said she often met the rats and did not know who was more frightened.
Her, or the rats!
Not sure if they got to her food or not.
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28th January 2019, 15:58
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am just home from a long walk in the beautiful sunshine.....well wrapped up, though, against the icy temperature.
The frost has melted now, and the lake is thawing......
A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon!
Now.......good news!
I have won my battle against Paper Cavalier, in that they sent me a Returns label and agreed to refund the price of the book, plus the postage incurred in returning said book.
I now have this in writing!
So I have been to the Post office to send back the book.....
( Would you believe it cost me in excess of £20 , because the volume was so heavy?)
I now have somehow to send the company a scan of the Postal receipt to show much the postage cost, in order to be refunded.
However, there is, as before, no viable email address with which to contact Paper Cavalier....
So I presume I shall need to go through Amazon yet again!
Paper Cavalier now owe us approximately £60!!
And possibly, although a skirmish has now been won, the war is not yet over.....because the Reviews online are saying that folk are not actually getting their money back.....
25340 of 30765  -   Report This Post