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1st February 2019, 07:41
Hello, Rosalind!
My hunch was correct about xerostomia appearing shortly, but I never thought of Eggheads, just a crossword puzzle!
I agree that most of these shows are recorded in advance.
Often, several shows will be recorded on the the same day for economic reasons.
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1st February 2019, 07:57
Good morning, Elle!
No snow here, yet.
Have you?
Hard frost, though!
I have not been out yet.
I had never heard of Poet's Day.
Don't think it is used in my part of the world.
Up here, if someone takes an unofficial day off, it is known as a "Bombay fast".
"Fast" meaning a feast day, or holiday.
I'll have to find out where the rest of the named days of the week come from, out of curiosity.
I rarely have a problem with Captcha now, other than some of the photos are a bit indistinct.
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1st February 2019, 08:47
Good morning, Rusty!
Yes, it started to snow steadily just before 11 last night .....and there was already about half an inch of snow before I finally put out the lights.
Everywhere was white when I got up this morning...but it is now sleeting, and the snow is gradually being washed away.......the sleet is said to continue through till 10 pm tonight.
I didn't take the dog for a walk...the ground is probably much too slippery.
We have been "playing" in the garden!
i was surprised to be faced with about six sets of Captcha pictures before I could post last night........that happened twice!
I pity anyone logging on to the Forum for the first time, and being faced with that....... it is certainly enough to deter anyone from a second visit!
What are you up to today?
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1st February 2019, 09:27
I have just seen some hardy dog walkers. Our local mobile home site is one of the very few round here that allows dogs, so every other home has one.

My grandchildren's schools (very close to each other) are closed in spite of having only an inch of snow, now melting. I wouldn't pay any staff who didn't turn up. Nothing like teaching children to give up as soon as there are any difficulties. You can't take a brief holiday without risking a fine unless, oh yes, there's a little snow
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1st February 2019, 11:09
Hello, Ros!
Okay......I'll admit it...I'm a wimp!
I'm quite prepared to be "hardy", in that I usually go out in all weathers, appropriately clad!
But I'm afraid of falling on the ice.....
25405 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st February 2019, 11:11
Hello, Elle!
Great day here!
I went for a spin in my car just to charge up the battery.
Roads are fine, though there is thick frost everywhere.
Minus 3C according to my car gauge.
No snow, though.
I only have to use reCaptcha on my tablet or my Hudl.
Almost never on my Chromebook.
It would tend to be off-putting for a newcomer, I reckon.
I am home for the day now.
I bought maple pancakes when I was out.
Great with a coffee!
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1st February 2019, 11:59
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds as though you experiencing better weather up your way, than we are here in the South!
I do not mind the cold.....and would be happy to venture forth were I not afraid of falling on the ice.......
I'm spending my time catching up on paperwork and overdue letters!
I also have some deliveries due to arrive.
I haven't looked at the crossword yet.
Have you done your puzzle?
I like my pancakes with lemon!
25407 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st February 2019, 13:16
Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, I think our weather is better up here, just now, anyway.
We even had the Heavenly Dancers (Northern Lights) last night.
And guess what is 2d? There is something spooky going on!
You are wise to be wary of the ice.
A&E will have their fair share of injured walkers in this weather!
I am hoping for books from the postie!
I finished my puzzle earlier today.
I have read quite a bit about the answer to 5a.
13a and 16d are new to me.

25408 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st February 2019, 13:55
Hi, Rusty!
What beautiful photographs!
Did you see any of this in person?
Yes, definitely creepy to have "Northern Lights" as the answer to 2d!
Especially following hard on the heels of "xerostomia" appearing on "Eggheads" yesterday!
I thought it a reasonable puzzle today?
Perhaps it was easier because a lot of the definitions were fairly obvious...and the parsings could be a secondary consideration?
I thought "toss" for 5d was very easy.....
I found 13a "toroidal" hard..... I knew "torus" meant a closed circle...but only saw that retrospectively.
I liked two short clues....9a: Lorca; and 25a: Voila
I hope your books arrive!
25409 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st February 2019, 14:00
I don't understand the "On vacation" part of 5 dn
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