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26th January 2019, 14:35
Hello, Elle!
Well, the review was in today's Times, but I had not heard of this before, but they say he lived on until 1954 has a ring of truth about it.
Yes, my parcel has landed!
I can help you with your parse.
"Better" is "cap", an old name for a hedgehog is "u(r)chin", remove the "r"/run.
One of the ASDA girlks was telling me about an excellent documentary she found on YouTube about a Yorkshire woman who lived alone on a farm.
She doesn't know what it is called, but the woman is called Hannah!
She told me me I would like it.
So, I'll have a search later!
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26th January 2019, 14:36
Hi elle
CAP is "better" (do better than...)
hedgehogs are sometimes called URCHINS - lose the R for "run away"

btw the monkeys are so-called because their colouring is like capuchin monk habits
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26th January 2019, 14:37
Hannah Hauxwell, rusty
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26th January 2019, 14:54
Thank you kindly, Chris.
I have found the documentaries on YouTube and saved them.
She was a remarkable woman!
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26th January 2019, 14:58
I used to take the Dalesman, rusty (a monthly Yorkshire magazine). There were several articles on her over the years.
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26th January 2019, 15:00
Chris, there are several documentaries on YouTube about her, and quite a few books on Amazon, too.
I shall have a browse!
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26th January 2019, 17:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think you are right.......if it were a made up tale for the purpose of the musical, I doubt there would be a definite date of death mentioned......I hadn't considered that.
I just thought it odd that such a human interest story hadn't been mentioned before.
Thank you for the parsing of my errant clue!
I can see it now that you have explained it...but I would never have got there left to my own devices.
I did not know that a hedgehog was an "urchin".
Very well done on knowing that!
One of my friends tends hedgehogs in her garden...I shall ask hr if she knows that, too.
I haven't heard of Hannah Hauxwell, but it does sound the kind of story in which you would be interested.
I hope you enjoy researching about her.

Hello, Chris!
Thank you for the explanation.
And I didn't know the reason for "capuchins" being so called, so I have learned something else new!
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26th January 2019, 17:19
Hello, Elle!
I do not know if the story about the sailor is true or not, but the Times reviewer seems to, as well as some sailors being washed ashore with their hands in their pockets.
I read about that before.
I take no credit for knowing a hedgehog was an urchin.
Anne Bradford knew.
But I did know a capuchin was a monkey.
I'll have a look at Hannah, later, and check out the books on Amazon.
She reminds me a wee bit of Megan Boyd.
No Rose in The Times today. She is "away".
The Letters Editor took over her column.
Quite a bit about when is it "a" or "an".
Mostly over my head!
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26th January 2019, 18:43
Hi, Rusty!
Now, Megan Boyd, I do know! She is a salmon fly tyer!
You have mentioned her on several occasions.
I have just had a "blast from my past"!
The phone rang... it was a friend and old work colleague, who I haven't seen, or even spoken to, for about thirty years!
We have always kept intermittently in touch over the years via emails, and Christmas cards, but no more direct contact than that.
She was phoning from Spain, where she has lived for many years .
There was quite a bit of reminiscing about our "youth"!
And of course exchanging up-to-date news about our families.
We are hoping maybe to meet up over the coming year.....that would be good!
I have "The Voice" to watch this evening .....are you going to record it...or have you given up on it?
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26th January 2019, 19:40
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, I was a fan of Megan!
I have just watched a documentary on Hannah.
It was very interesting, though a bit bleak up on the high ground in winter.
But, if the ASDA girls question me about it, I'll know a bit about the remarkable Hannah!
Good how your friend had your 'phone number to call you!
I have not my TV on tonight, I'm not sure if I have it set to record anything.
But, I have YouTube to explore.
25320 of 30765  -   Report This Post