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11th December 2018, 16:05
So why then do "large towns" need to apply for "city status"?

And, no, Bolton apparently is still classified as a town.
24471 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:12
Elle - I, too, regard Bolton as a town, and I was very surprised when I saw that definition as the very first one in Chambers. The definition goes on to list the other meanings - an incorporated town... a town on which the dignity has been conferred.
24472 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:21
Swansea City FC changed their name (originally Swansea Town) to reflect their new status when someone decided they should be a city
24473 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:24
Not sure if it's still the case, but a criterion for cityhood was possession of a cathedral. This makes St David's in Pembrokeshire GB's smallest city by population - about 2000!
24474 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:28
Thanks, ChrisE - the stuff about cathedrals comes up every so often. I think St David's has been the answer in umpteen quiz shows. Chambers has as the second definition of 'city' , an incorporated town that has or has had a cathedral. I'm afraid I have no idea what an 'incorporated town' is!
24475 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:33
Chris, I'm not sure that the cathedral status still holds good?
But I'm fairly sure that a "town" has to apply officially to become a "city"?
And Bolton did so, but lost out to Preston.....
You will probably know about that?
24476 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 16:57
Hello, Elle!
Today's setter has started a controversy!
I did not know Bolton was UK's biggest town.
Chambers has "a large town" under "city", so you best hang on to your shirt!
And I have mentioned before, betting is a mug's game!
I'd say the setter is OK with the clue?
Anne Bradford has "town" under "city" and vice versa, too.
Now, time for tea!
24477 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 17:05
Phew, Rusty - it's a relief that you're thinking along the same lines! We will never know if the setter was being sneaky, ie if he/she knew the Chambers definition, or if it was an error originally. Anyway, I enjoyed discovering that 'city' can mean 'large town' - it's always good to learn something new!
24478 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 17:23
Yes, indeed!
I have to admit that I am not in the least concerned - despite being a prior Boltonian - as to whether Bolton is a city or a town....
It is only on a "point of law" that I am intrigued!
If the Chambers and possibly other dictionary definitions hold, I wonder why all these 'large towns' that Chambers and the like think are already apparently 'cities' bother to "apply to become cities", then?!
But enough said......the topic has been exhausted!
What are you having for your tea?
24479 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2018, 17:58
Warrington is larger than Bolton, on any measure
24480 of 30765  -   Report This Post