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8th December 2018, 16:03

I am at present using my monitor 'upside down'! Cat walked on
keyboard and put her paw on some key or other - everything
became upside down and I simply do not know what to do except
using the computer with monitor standing on its head!!!

tried to switch off, unplug at wall etc, but to no avail

What am I supposed to do to regain normal usage of the screen
the 'right way up'?
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8th December 2018, 16:08
Hello, Pigale.
Sorry, I can't help but if you Google your problem you should find the answer.
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8th December 2018, 16:12
Pigale, try this.
Press and hold CTRL and ALT keys and press UP arrow.
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8th December 2018, 16:23
Rusty, you are BRILLIANT!!!
Thank you so much for finding this out for me - I was at a loss and
of course never even thought of googling to find a solution - I was
in a panic!

Still don't know how Puss managed to do all this with just the one

Back on track again!
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8th December 2018, 16:30
Well done, Pigale!
Glad to hear you are back to normal, now!
No need to panic, there's lots of videos on YouTube on how to fix this, and other problems!
Now, you take it easy!
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8th December 2018, 16:50
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I suppose your son and daughter-in -law, and also your Norn Iron friends, are making the most of the festive occasion and enjoying themselves in the process of doing their shopping!
And indeed why not?
However, I personally do not really like shopping, so would choose to go to the nearest venue and get it over and done with!
I am not a 'browser' where shopping is concerned... I have a list and off I go and buy what I need!
Hopefully in the shortest possible time!
I hope Pigale manages to fix her computer screen - funnily enough, the same happened to ours the other night.... but it only turned a right angle!
My husband at the time was trying to rotate a photograph of BB, that my daughter had sent!
The entire screen turned!
I was going to send her the link to correct it.......but you beat me to it, and far more succinctly than the instructions we followed!
Right, I must go and wash my hair....
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8th December 2018, 17:00
Hello Elle,

Thanks for the thought! Yes, Rusty came up with a brilliant, fast
way of putting things right.

It is surprising what 'damage' a little cat can do with just one small
paw! and then just walk away totally unconcerned!

I have duly made a mental note of Rusty's miracle solution, just
in case..............
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8th December 2018, 18:10
Good evening, Elle!
As I've mentioned before, I don't do any Christmas shopping.
I give cash and that seems to please everyone, and suits me, too.
I think if your screen turned sideways, you could use the same method as Pigale used, but instead of pressing UP arrow, you'd press RIGHT or LEFT arrow?
The alternative is to go into Settings and set screen to Landscape mode.
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8th December 2018, 19:27
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, you are quite correct in your instructions re reorientating the computer screen when turned sideways at a right angle!
This is the link I found
It is now firmly ensconced in my Favourites!
(Ready for next time....)
It is not often I can find a solution, and then manage to understand and follow it!
You always explain things much more clearly!
Did you solve your elusive crossword parsings?
I am still struggling with some of mine!
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8th December 2018, 19:41
Hello, Elle!
A good idea to keep helpful tips in your Favourites!
I have just seen the parse to 9a.
Not looked at it for hours and it jumped straight at me just now!
There are two I am not certain of.
15d Could "reception" be "first class" at school, say?
I am not familiar with it.
And I can't twig 24d.
Mind you, I have not went checking Chambers or anything...yet!
The folk are home from Edinburgh.
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