Hi, Rusty!
Well, I suppose your son and daughter-in -law, and also your Norn Iron friends, are making the most of the festive occasion and enjoying themselves in the process of doing their shopping!
And indeed why not?
However, I personally do not really like shopping, so would choose to go to the nearest venue and get it over and done with!
I am not a 'browser' where shopping is concerned... I have a list and off I go and buy what I need!
Hopefully in the shortest possible time!
I hope Pigale manages to fix her computer screen - funnily enough, the same happened to ours the other night.... but it only turned a right angle!
My husband at the time was trying to rotate a photograph of BB, that my daughter had sent!
The entire screen turned!
I was going to send her the link to correct it.......but you beat me to it, and far more succinctly than the instructions we followed!
Right, I must go and wash my hair....