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11th December 2018, 21:45
Hello, Elle!
I have came across "estop" before, probably in a crossword puzzle!
Think it is a legal term.
The best I can do regarding getting in touch with Mr Rogan is to give you Rose's email address at The Times.
That's who we dealt with before.
I think you got on very well with Rose, as I remember?
She runs Feedback at The Times.
The address is,
Rose will likely pass your tidings on to Mr R, and he will respond to you, hopefully.
He usually does.
(He told me to get a map of the London Underground!)
You may tell Rose "hello" from me!
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11th December 2018, 22:08
Update, Elle!
Nice wee story from Mr Rogan!
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11th December 2018, 22:27
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I liked Rose...I had quite a pleasant ongoing email conversation with her!
A very nice lady.
Thank you for her email address.
I couldn't remember what we did last time.....
I knew I'd had a response from Mr R, as well as from Rose, but couldn't recall how it had all come about.
Very well, I shall write to Rose.
( Yes, I shall pass on your regards )
I remember Mr R advising you to get a map of the Underground!
I have read your clip about the crossword "proposal" was a good job the girlfriend could solve the clues --- otherwise it could have been somewhat awkward!
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11th December 2018, 22:57
Hello, Elle!
I think we emailed The Times and Rose replied and passed us on to Mr R.
Pigale was involved, too.
If you "speak" to Mr R, let him know the Underground map is very helpful!
A "Christmas greetings" email to Rose would be nice!
The "proposal" crossword must have taken a lot of work?
It was very good of Mr R to be so helpful.
He certainly does not sound like a Norn Iron man!
I think he's from Coleraine, or not far from there.
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12th December 2018, 09:20
Interesting News about Team Sky, rusty! I have no time for any sport, but especially those where cheating seems to be rife if not automatic. However, this news item caught my eye.
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12th December 2018, 10:01
Good morning, Rosalind!
Very interesting, indeed.
It is very common in cycle racing, that teams lose sponsors.
It happens every year.
It costs an awful lot of money to keep a pro team on the road.
I do not like Team Sky, or the shenanigans surrounding them, especially when they involved a perfectly innocent person, in Emma Pooley, in their "jiffy bag/Wiggins" controversy.
Brailsford will try and find another sponsor to keep his team together.
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12th December 2018, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
A bit drizzly today!
Now...I have written my letter to Rose...I did do before going to bed last night.
So it will be interesting to see if I get a response - either from Rose or from Mr R (or maybe both?)
Can you remember what we wrote about before?
Was it about "London" clues? ( the tube map reference is pointing me that way)
I did cut out the newspaper section where our comments were printed ...but now cannot find it!
I am about to take the dog to the vet for her regular anal gland check.......
Back in a bit.......
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12th December 2018, 10:36
Good morning, Elle!
It is nice and mild today.
Well done on writing to Rose!
I think she will pass on your letter to Mr R, and I think you will hear from both.
Yes, we pointed out that Times readers live all over the country and could their puzzles please reflect that, instead of constant London clues.
And you got "Bolton" yesterday!
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12th December 2018, 11:13
Elle and Rusty

I hope you get some satisfaction from the Editor because I regard two clues as wrong. He clearly thinks you can misuse the words town and city.

Bolton is certainly not a city. This status can only be granted by Royal Proclamation and the Queen refused the request. The Editor should respect this.

A "whistle stop" is not a town in the UK, although it might be abroad.

It is interesting that Times setters are looking at this thread for ideas. Several towns and cities mentioned here recently have been used in clues, Dundee, Oxford and Bolton. We will know for sure if New Brighton is clued. I can imagine the uproar if that is described as a city.

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12th December 2018, 12:42
Hi, Rusty!
I am finally home again!
And the dog is happier, now that all the gunge has been expressed from her anal glands.
(I think the liver treats proffered by the vet helped!)
I have received an automatic acknowledgement of my email from the at least we know it has arrived.
I am planning to stay put for the rest of the day..... I need a sit-down...and a (strong) coffee!
What are you up to?

Hello, Jigjag!
Ah, thank you for the belated support!
Yes, I said all that about Bolton yesterday......
I don't care what Chambers and its ilk say about a 'large town' being a 'city'.....
A town needs to apply for city status....and as I explained on here yesterday, Bolton did apply to be a city and was refused.
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