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8th December 2018, 19:44
Rusty, I too hesitated over Reception - we don't have those classes in Scotland, but I remembered English friends mentioning them.
24441 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 19:47
Update, Elle!
I have discovered there is something called a "bell curve", to do with charts or data, and it usually is "normal".
24442 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 19:50
Hello, Malone,
There was a tiny bell tinkling in the back of my brain that I had came across "reception class" before, but I was not certain, at all.
As you say, it is not something we hear about in Scotland.
24443 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 20:15
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the very first class at Primary school here is called the Reception Class , followed by Year One , Two etc.
9a: "Doubles" is one of those that I haven't managed to parse......?
As is 13a, for which I have "Amenhotep" = Eygyptian leader/ pharaoh (def), but I cannot account for the remainder of the parsing.
And 7d: apostolic
This must be correct, because it fits , but I cannot understand it?
I was okay with 24d: belle = beauty (def)
bell - normal sort of curve
e - European.
I found the puzzle quite hard though.
Good that your family is back home.......did they have a successful shopping trip?
24444 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 20:19
Elle, I liked 9 A. 'Chess shows one...' Chess has a Double S! The Doubles, game for four, is more pedestrian.
24445 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 20:25
Hello, Elle!
9a, "Che ss" shows a "double 's'", and doubles could be game for four, I suppose.
13, is "an" is "a" (I think), staff are "men", an inn shortly is "hote(l)", and "P" for parking.
7, "Pauline" is to do with Saint Paul the Apostle.
"a" in clue, detailed goverment plan is "polic(y)", no way is "0" +"st" for street/way, inside.
I had not heard of "bell=normal sort of curve" before.
I thought some of the clues were on the easy side for a prize puzzle, but I still enjoyed it.
24446 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 20:30
I know how to spell "government"!
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8th December 2018, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you, Rusty! I should have been waiting till the proverbial cows came home had you not explained to me.
I always think the Saturday Prize puzzle is easier than the weekly ones......though I don't know why that should be.....
But today's was difficult for me.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.....
An early walk with the dog, then off to the coffee morning - cum- lunch party which starts from 11am onwards.
Is it Miss L-B with whom you are going to the Pine Cone tomorrow?

Thank you, Malone....I didn't see the double "s"!
24448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 21:56
Hello, Elle!
Took me all day to see the double "s", too!
The Times say that their Wednesday puzzle is usually the hardest of the week.
Why they chose Wednesday I do not know.
Miss ATW is collecting me tomorrow, and she may bring Miss O'Hara with her, I am not sure.
Miss L-B works Sat and Sun, but she finishes Uni next week for Christmas/New Year, I think.
24449 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2018, 22:32
Hi, Rusty!
That will be nice for you to see Miss ATW - and hopefully Miss O'H as well.
You do not get chance to see them as often as you do their cousins.
BB is disappointed that we cannot go to see him in the church parade tomorrow !
He is in Beavers , the youngest section of the Scouts.
I had to explain that we had already accepted the other invitation several weeks ago.
I have promised that, all being well, we shall definitely go to the next church parade!
Uhm...time for a hot drink...and possibly a piece of parkin?
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