Hello Elle, Rusty and everyone!
I am back home after yet another 3-day stay in hospital.
Third artery had a good check but no stent needed this time; it is
just a very small one superimposed over another equally small one
and initially it did look as though there was a problem - Glad to say
there was not!
Nonetheless, the cardiologist took all his time to rummage around
with his little camera and checked on the work he had performed
previously, as well as doing a scan of the whole area - all seems
fine now and he does not want to see me again for almost a year.
I am very pleased with the result, but of course tired after yesterday's session. Came back this afternoon and had rain all
the way from Orleans to here where it still rained up to an hour
ago! Week-end forecast not good and windy but..... they may
be wrong!
How about you? How are you and have you been up to anything