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6th December 2018, 22:39
Hello, Elle!
You seem to have done well.
Must be a good feeling to get your Christmas shopping over.
Or is it finished?
I don't think I have had a parkin.
I like gingerbread though.
24391 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2018, 09:04
Good morning, Rusty!
Very wet and windy here!
I haven't been out for a walk this morning, as the dog has been sick!
She vomited up her breakfast yesterday, and refused to eat her evening meal last night. Nor does she want food this morning.
This is most unusual for her. I shall keep an eye on her for the next 24 hours.
I hope it doesn't necessitate a visit to the vets!
No, I haven't finished my Christmas shopping, but, thankfully, I am about half way through now.
You haven't sampled parkin?
I think you would like it. It is a sort of dark gingerbread, with a dry texture, made with oatmeal and black treacle.
Parkin is usually associated with Yorkshire......but is very popular in Lancashire, too.
What are you up to today?
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7th December 2018, 09:55
Good morning, Elle!
A cold dry morning here.
Poor doggie!
Maybe something she ate when out?
I think I would like parkin.
I'll ask one of the ASDA lasses if they have any.
What am I up to today?
I have been to shop, and was taking photos of a building site.
Later, I may take my son to collect his newly bought car, or Miss L-B may be more likely to do it.
Other than that, no plans today.
And I have to wait for a parcel delivery.
I ordered me a new winter shirt!
24393 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2018, 11:02
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I, too, am thinking that maybe the dog ate something whilst out, but I am being vigilant and keeping a weather eye on her!
Now, parkin....
Funnily enough, some dictionaries describe it as a 'dry' cake, and some as 'moist and soggy'......
(Chambers refuses to commit itself!)
But, trust me, it needs to look "oatmealish" and be "dry in texture" to be "good"!
You stand a better chance of getting it up your way, than I do down is a Northern delicacy.
Is your new 'winter' shirt another fleece -lined one?
I am also awaiting a parcel delivery...... books for my granddaughter and her brother.

Hello, Ros!
Your friend William was the subject of a question on "Fifteen to One"
The question was what animals were featured in the book "Dunston Wood" by William Horwood.
Having read the book, I of course knew the answer…...moles!
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7th December 2018, 11:06
Sorry, typo, Ros!
That should of course read "DunCton Wood"!
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7th December 2018, 12:27
Hello, Elle!
I think ASDA started out in Leeds so they should know about parkin!
My new shirt is a fleece lined one.
They are excellent, I find.
Hope it arrives soon as I hope to go out.
Puzzle was quite tough today.
I just can't quite grasp the parse of 22d.
9a, 23a, 2d, are new words to me.
I will come back to 22d later.
I am obviously missing something!
24396 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2018, 13:59
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I have been updating my Christmas card list.......and have made a start on writing my cards.
As I have just over a hundred to send, this will take some time!
My parcel has not yet arrived - I received an email to say it was coming today, but with no time slot allocated.
It is a nuisance as I want to go out.
I am struggling - in between card-writing - with today's puzzle.
It is difficult!
I am only about a third of the way through, but have taken a look at 22d, as you mentioned it....
No, I cannot even get the answer, let alone the parsing!
So back to the Christmas cards......
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7th December 2018, 14:39
Good afternoon, Elle!
Lovely day here!
I have just posted one of my cards.
It goes to a pub in Donegal.
The tradition is the cards from all the ex-pats go up on the wall.
And everyone gets to read them....and reminisce!
My parcel is here!
It is a tricky puzzle, Elle, and my parse for 22d is still far away!
24398 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2018, 15:31
Update, Elle!
I have the parse, now!
24399 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2018, 16:04
Hi, Rusty!
What an unusual idea! And a great one!
I'm assuming that it is a pub that you visit when you go back to Donegal to see your relatives and friends?
So the locals who drink there will be able to put a face to your name?
And do you write "news" in the card, keeping folk up to date with your doings?
My parcel has just arrived!
I had intended going out to do some shopping, but it is getting late in the day for that will have to wait until Monday.
Dog seems bright enough - if her barking at the unfamiliar postman is anything to go by - but she is still refusing to eat.
For 22d: I have got "noose" = " hanger" (as in something by which to hang one's self, or to be executed by someone else!)
I can see "O" for "oscar" and maybe "nose" is "something hooked"?
I've heard of a hooked nose, as a descriptive term. but where then does "for a coat" come in?
The entire puzzle is too hard for my feeble brain!
24400 of 30765  -   Report This Post