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5th December 2018, 19:07
Good evening, Elle!
Kristina did a lap of the track in her wheelchair to say "thank you" to those who came to see her.
She got a wonderful ovation.
She is very brave.
She says she does not miss the racing, but really misses the cycling community, "her family".
The weather is getting warmer here.
Now 6 C.
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5th December 2018, 20:15
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been catching up with yesterday's "Fifteen to One", and one of the questions was about "Swan Upping" on the Thames.
Do you remember "Doglet" telling us all about that..... and how she often went to help?
I always meant to look more into that......
I am still thankfully being allowed to post with no more than a tick required...
I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth...but I should love to know what brought about this sudden wonderful tranformation?
It is warm here, but very wet!
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5th December 2018, 20:37
Hello, Elle!
I do remember Doglet telling about the Swan Upping.
Very interesting!

Nice words from Trotty!

It is good you are getting off with a tick.
Hope everyone else is benefitting too.
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5th December 2018, 21:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a very nice tribute to Dani from Trotty.
I hope she enjoys her 'retirement'!
Speaking of retirement and new careers, what is Victoria Pendleton up to these days?
And speaking further of "retirement", I am going to make a hot drink - and maybe have a ginger bikkie - and then I am away to my bed!
An early(ish ) night for a change…….
I am feeling absolutely shattered...…..
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5th December 2018, 23:07
Hello, Elle!
I too hope Dani has a nice retirement!
She's one of the good ones!
I am not sure what Victoria is up to these days.
She attempted Everest but had to give up through illness.
I think she is abroad quite a lot.
An early night is not a bad idea!
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6th December 2018, 10:11
Good morning, Rusty!
Yet another wet, mild and miserable day!
I am just home from my walk.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Are you and Miss L- B still going to the Pine Cone?
I am going out myself very shortly......hoping to achieve some Christmas shopping before lunching out.
Catch up with you later...…….
24386 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2018, 11:52
Good morning, Elle.
Cold and dreich here.
Just home from Pine Cone.
It was very busy today.
Quite a few folk buying Christmas trees etc.
Miss L-B has gone back to Uni, now.
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6th December 2018, 16:09
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am home again now.
I have had quite a successful day.
A number of items are now ticked off my Christmas shopping list.
There is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel!
And lunch was good!
I am glad you made it to the Pine Cone.
Yes, I expect the shop and cafe will be busy from now until after you say, folk buying trees and decorations!
The Sholach trees seem to be selling well up at Crystal Palace Park.
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6th December 2018, 20:19
Hello, Elle!
Well done on the shopping!
Pine Cone was the busiest I've seen it.
The tree buyers do not come into the cafe.
They go into the plantation.
Lots of sacks of logs and kindling etc being sold.
Very busy.
I am going back on Sat and Sun mornings.
My son has just left.
Had a good chat!
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6th December 2018, 21:08
Hi, Rusty!
You have had a good day!
We went out to Poll Hill Garden Centre, near Sevenoaks, where not only is there a large choice of plants on sale , but there is also a large shopping complex within the building.
And it is always special at this time of year, as the range of Christmas trees and decorations is wonderful!
It is glorious to see!
I always find myself wanting to buy a decoration......but this time I managed to resist!
I did come away though with some lovely gifts, from the various shops, for family and friends.
And, as a side benefit, I popped into the farm shop and there espied some "genuine" parkin!
Parkin is a speciality we can never buy in London!
Or if we do , it is only a weak form of ginger cake masquerading as parkin!
But this is wonderful!!
I am going to make a coffee.... and have another piece, once I have sent this!
24390 of 30765  -   Report This Post