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28th October 2018, 20:18
Good evening, Elle!
Ah, a Sainsbury meal?
I am sure it was good!
I sometimes get ASDA meals, but not curry, though.
I stick to less exotic meals, though I realise curries are very popular now!
Have you considered any of Bill's books on language etc.
I have read some, but his travel books are best.
Now....good news!
Miss La Bamba tells me she got on very well at her new job today and everyone was very nice to her!
So, that made my day!
23551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 22:31
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry for my tardy response......
I got caught up in phone calls!
Apart from speaking to my cousin as usual on a Sunday evening, a couple of friends rang as well.
I have only read Bill's travel books?
Would I like the ones on language?
I have never ready any reviews.....maybe I should look into this as a future possibility?
Great that Miss L-B's first day went well!?
Yes, you will be happy now!
23552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 22:56
Hello, Elle!
I think you may like Bill's language books, "Mother Tongue", etc.
He has even written a dictionary.
Why not go to Amazon and type his name in the search bar, then select his "page".
I have read several of his non travel books.
I see he has done one on Shakespeare, too.
Yes, I am very pleased for La Bamba!
Though, she is working next Saturday and won't be able to meet the Norn Iron folks when they are here.
I see the film of Michael Morpurgo's "War Horse" is on BBC Television next Sunday afternoon.
I am going to record it.
It is too long for me to watch in one go.
23553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 23:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I shall investigate Bill's other books......
I am especially intrigued to hear that he has written a book about Shakespeare......
I did not know that.
Is it a autobiography.....or ...what?
It surely cannot be a serious appraisal of Shakespeare, knowing Bill's wicked sense of humour?
I shall take a look tomorrow......
I watched Michael Morpurgo's "Warhorse" some time back.....
23554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 23:28
Hello, Elle!
How on earth can Bill write an "autobiography" of Shakespeare?
Are you at the wind up!
It is a "biography"!!
I have not read it, but the reviews are good.
Have a look at "Mother Tongue" and "A Short History of Nearly Everything", too.
I read those two, and liked them.
And yes, there is humour everywhere!
23555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 23:37
Hi, Rusty!
No, no wind-up...…..
I am obviously just very tired!
Of course, I meant "biography" ….
And before I say anything else which will further embarrass me, I shall go to bed!
I will follow up your recommendations , tomorrow.
"Good night , sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite"...…..
23556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 07:56
Good morning, Elle!
A bit frosty out, here.
I could not resist the "biography" dig.
Now, it's my turn!
Last week I got in a bit of a muddle when I could not fathom whether when studying something, it was "pore over", or something else?
"Pore" just did did not sit well with me, for some strange reason.
I did not realise it could mean "gaze intently".
I was pretty certain it was not "pour" though.
I looked up "pore" in my dictionary to make sure I had the right word!
Yes, have a browse at "Mother Tongue" etc.
I liked "Made in America", too, which is about American English and culture.
All good books.
23557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 10:27
Good morning, Rusty!
We had frost here too, this morning!
At least with the Volvo, we do not have to scrape it off...we just sit in the car , press a button and.... hey presto!..... the frost magically disappears!
A glorious day...... bright blue sky and sunshine...... temperature at present 3C.
A great day for walking.
My husband finally went for his flu jab at the start of surgery!
Yes, I shall have a play on the computer shortly, and will browse Amazon for some Bill Bryson books of a different genre.....
I need a coffee first, though ......
23558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 10:47
Hello Rusty

May I please say a belated thank you for the Pall Mall clue. I think I would have got it after playing so much Monopoly, but it is not a significant street so most non-Monopolists would not have heard of it, hence I take your point about it being unfair.

I have spent the weekend decorating, and now know how Michaelangelo must have felt. I too had a tricky ceiling, but finished it quicker than he did, although I am sure his looks better.

It gave me time to think up some more "unfair" clues along the lines (no pun intended) of the New Brighton one. Unfair in that they are solvable, but you dont know if the answer is right - Rosalind will and Elle might.

Station master with good skin (7)

Burns treated at Scottish town station (9)

23559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 10:52
Hello, Elle!
Volvo know a thing or two about Winter driving!
How long does the windows take to clear?
Nothing like that on my Jazz, except for the rear screen heater.
One of the ASDA girls lives a bit to the North of the city and told me it was minus 4 there, during the night!
That's chilly!
Yes, "pore over" the Bryson pages on Amazon.
I am sure something will appeal to you.
A coffee and cheesy oatcakes for me, too!
23560 of 30765  -   Report This Post