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26th October 2018, 22:47
Hi, Rusty!
I have ordered some more books!
You remember the book that I told you I was reading by Peter May?
One of "The Enzo Files" series?
Well, I have just treated myself to the remainder of the series!
My justification...?
It will spur me on to finish my clearing out of 'surplus' books, in order to make room!
And on that undeniably logical note, I will say G'night, as I am dreadfully tired!
I am away to my bed......
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26th October 2018, 23:04
Hello, Elle! help you with clearing your bookshelves you are buying more books?
I think that strong coffee you had, has bewitched you!
I am sure you will enjoy your new books, though.
I have some money in my Amazon account from gift cards, but am not sure what to buy.
I don't really need anything.
I investigated a book that Lyn MacDonald co-wrote with several others.
"At the Going Down of the Sun".
But, I can not find it on Amazon.
A mystery!
23502 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 09:27
23503 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 09:57
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely day here...but very cold!
Only 4C. So a brisk walk !
Ah that reference to my books was but "tongue in cheek", Rusty........
An ironic remark?!
I have looked up "At the Going Down of the Sun".
Now Wikipedia says that the book is co-written by Ian Connerty, Sir Martin Gilbert, Peter Hart, Lyn MacDonald and Nigel Steel.
But Google came up with three more, individual authors, all apparently for "At the Going Down of the Sun!!!
Elizabeth Darell, Graham Bound, and R.G, Gladding.
All working independently .......
The plot thickens.......this is all very strange?
Is it not plagiarism to use an existing title?
You will be off out soon......
What time are the girls collecting you?
23504 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 10:16
Good morning, Elle!
A beautiful frosty morning here!
Aha, "tongue in cheek", and here's me thinking it was "feminine logic"!
I noticed there are several versions of "At The Going Down Of The Sun".
I think I'll just leave it.
If it was a book by Lyn MacDonald alone, I would buy it, though.
I like her style, and her previous books have been, for me, excellent.
I think I am being collected at 11, but I have not heard from the girls so far.
I thought the puzzle was on the easy side today.
A wee bit disappointing.
8d and 12a were new to me.
12 is a street in London, the setter expects us to know! Grr!
23505 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 10:54
Hello Elle

You would be horrified if your Cockney friends said they had found some "mice in the kitchen". Until you would realised they meant the spice not rodents!

Do they ever ask you to get a "daily piper" for them? The Queen Mother had one, but she also had a "daily paper", the Racing Post I believe.
There may have been confusion over them. She was our Vice-Chancellor and presented the graduation certificates. I cant recall her speaking Cockney though.

It is not too difficult to qualify for the Times final. There are 3 puzzles in the summer, slightly easier than the normal Times ones, and there are 2 heats of 100. The best 12 in each go into the Grand Final. No references are allowed. Just a pen and pencil.

Hello Rusty
Thanks for the references to Mr Rogan - very interesting.
23506 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 10:56
Hi, Rusty!
I thought I would answer quickly before you go out with the girls!
I haven't really started my crossword as yet, as I have been doing various jobs.....but out of curiosity I just took a look at 12 across......
Now, normally I would agree with you.....
But, in all fairness to the setter, for once I think this is reasonable?
Many non- Londoners will have played "Monopoly", surely?
Pall Mall is one of the purplish group......together with Whitehall and Northumberland Avenue!
And doesn't it parse beautifully?
Have a great time at the Pine Cone!
23507 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 12:51
Hello, Elle!
I have not heard of Pall Mall before, and that's fine by me, but surely there are many other cities the setters can use for streets?
And your suggestion of Monopoly reminds me of Mr Rogan suggesting to me that I should buy a diary because all the London Underground stations are named in a wee map at the back.
You are both missing the point.
If the puzzles were less parochial we would not need to buy diaries or play Monopoly.
Rant over!
We had a ball at the Pine Cone!
The girls have a friend who is pregnant and were discussing girls' names for the baby!
I discovered some names are completely unsuitable because they are "Mum" names, and others are unsuitable because they are "Granny" names.
It was an education, I can tell you!
The bacon rolls were lovely, though!
23508 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 13:57
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am glad that you and the girls had a nice time!
And did you learn any more about their holiday in New York?
Any photos to look at?
I was reading on "Mumsnet" - my elder daughter uses it, and sometimes writes for it - that old-fashioned names - as used by "mum" or "granny" - are becoming very popular?
I am sure that modern "mums" will draw the line though at some "oldies"....... some names are probably best never mentioned again!
Although I do like mine......
Several of our family have names of Scottish origin, like mine.
My cousin Kenneth - the one from Kirkintilloch - has an anglicised version of Coinneach - have I spelled that correctly?
I have no idea how one would say that?
I have finished the crossword.
My favourites were 5d and 9a!
There is only one that I cannot parse.....27a?.....although I have the definition .

Hello, Jigjag!
I am sorry , I missed seeing your post earlier.
I am afraid that I would get nowhere at all in my crosswords, without access to reference books - dictionaries, atlases.... and of course , nowadays, the Internet
I do need to do a lot of research!
But to me , that is part of the fun!!
23509 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 14:07
Hello Elle and Rusty

I have not seen the Monopoly clue - what is it? I usually think Monopoly, Totopoly and Cluedo clues are fair because I played them so much as child, as all my friends did.

I agree with Rusty about the Tube though - there are about 300 stations. I have visited nearly all of them as a student in London, but you cant be expected to know them or buy diaries to get a map. He would not allow a clue about, say, the Merseyside Underground e.g.

Modern well-lit working seaside station (3,8)

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