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29th October 2018, 10:52
Hello Elle

I am glad I saw your note about your husband's flu jab - reminds me I am going on Weds. I am told I have a 4-minute appointment. I thought that was OK but 2 friends who go to a different surgery have got 2-min ones. I am worried what they are going to do to me in the extra 2 mins.
23561 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 11:01
Good morning, Jigjag!
I like a wee moan about Londoncentric clues!
I usually manage them, though!
I shall "pore over" (my newly learned phrase) your clues.
Hopefully I shall crack them and thank you for putting them!
But coffee first!
23562 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 11:33
Hello Elle and Rusty!

After a 10-day stay in the hospital (my favourite hotel these days it
seems!), I am back home - or rather came home last Saturday)

Once more, I seriously injured my back - my fault really for lifting
something too heavy for me, and my back being my weak point,
I misplaced, once again, a vertabrae. My own fault really but the result
is there and I initially went in hospital so that I could be given some
pain medicine via a drip since, as usual when I have had a shock, I
could not keep anything down.

Well, on arriving I spent a day in the emergency department with
my drip, while they were carrying out all sort of blood tests and
regular ECGs. Something bothered about my heart and they put me
in a helicopter to transfer me to the bigger hospital in a larger
I have now had a Coronariography, and they found out that I have
two 'sick' coronary arteries - two "collapsed arteries".
They have there and then repaired one with a stent, and the other
is to be seen to in around 3 to 4 weeks, precise date to be given
me by mail. (For some reason they can't do the two together)

But of course, my back is STILL AGONY!!!
So, these are my news, how are you both?
I can't always type for long as it hurts, depending on when after
pain killer I do so! But it would be lovely to hear from you and your
We may have snow around here tonight, they say.......
It was still Summer here 10 days ago, would you believe?
23563 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 11:45
Good morning, Pigale!
Poor you!
I was wondering why you had not posted for a wee while!
That is a very traumatic time you have had.
Good, though, that they have discovered and are going to repair your two "wonky" arteries.
That, at least, is a huge plus!
Hope your recovery is going as planned.
I have no news I'm afraid.
Just my usual humdrum goings-on.
23564 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 11:53
Hello, Jigjag!
I think I have solved the second of your clues.
Anagram of Burns plus Wick.
I see it is in the Liverpool area.
I have not heard of it before, but there is a New Brunswick in Canada which rings a wee bell.
A good clue, Jigjag! Thank you.
I shall pore over the other one soon!
23565 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 11:58
Sorry to hear that you are laid up, pigale - get well soon.

Here's one for your "London clue" collection, rusty - today's Guardian "Quiptic"

Get away with moving heroin left in London area (4)
23566 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 12:02
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we have had several Volvos over the years, and much prefer them to our other major alternative, the Renault.
Our Savannah (a seven seater; great for two adults, three children, one dog and four cats!) was fine, but the latest Renault we had, a Megane- Dynamique, was a nightmare!
The major problem was its thinking that it rivalled Kitt, Knightrider's car!
It certainly had a mind of its own......
We were glad to be rid...and now have our present Volvo estate.
Btw, it takes just about one minute to clear all the frost....
I wish I'd had a cheesy oatcake with my coffee!

Hello, Jigjag!
My husband said that the practice nurse insisted on taking BPs before giving the jabs......
Maybe this would account for your four minutes?
If your clues are relating to Liverpool (and I'm suspecting that, as you think Ros will know the answers)I doubt I shall be able to solve them.
I was lucky with "New Brighton"...but the nearest I have ever been to Liverpool is watching "The Liver Birds " sitcom on the television!
23567 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 12:21
Hi, Pigale!
I am so sorry to hear that you have been ill, but am glad that you are now "on the mend"- or will be, once the second stent has been fitted.
It must have been a very frightening experience for you, especially being airlifted, as an emergency, in a helicopter to the hospital in Orleans.
But what a blessing in disguise that you went to hospital (about your back condition) in the first instance?
And this resulted in your having a coronarography.
Otherwise, the outcome with your two damaged /collapsed arteries could have been so very different, and might have had very serious repercussions.
You were indeed very fortunate that this was picked up on so quickly!
And I hope you now go from strength to strength in your recovery!
News? Well, BB tells me he has some more football feats to teach me....??
I am still dining out on my "heel -kicks"!
23568 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 12:24
I've done your Quiptic clue......but okay, I guess I have an unfair advantage!
23569 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th October 2018, 12:32
Hello, Chris,
I think I may have it.
Get away is "shoo"
Move "h" for heroin one place to the left.
"Soho" ?
The "with" puzzled me. Not needed, surely?
Soho is a place I have been to.
Near Leicester Square, I think.
23570 of 30765  -   Report This Post