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27th October 2018, 15:46
Hi, Rusty!
No, The Mall and Pall Mall are very different.
The Mall is very majestic..... and stretches down from Trafalgar Square through Admiralty Arch to Buckingham Palace.
It is wonderful to walk down The Mall towards the Palace , especially in the Winter when the trees are bare..... and gaunt against the sky!
I love doing that!
I hope you find your horse race...
I am just going out now with the dog.......before it goes dark!
Talk more later!
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27th October 2018, 16:18
Yes, I forgot the bottle of water!
Is Bidston Hill still there, unbuilt on? We used to be taken there some Sundays , lovely place.
The ref to Edge Hill is not entirely proper (and is entirely Scouse). If you think about where it is in relation to Lime Street Station...................
New Brighton was not nice when the school took us there. Anyone who fell into the Mersey then had to have their stomach pumped and I am not joking. Nothing[i/] lived there, except presumably bacteria and viruses.
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27th October 2018, 16:49
Hello, Elle!
I have been busy!
I found a video on YouTube showing a walk from Waterloo to Pall Mall and The Mall, but it lasts for over an hour.
It looked very nice and a fine walk!
Then I watched the wonder mare, Winx, winning!
Then I took myself off to New Brighton, and am now wondering if it is the connection with the Beatles, that rings a wee bell with me?
They played the Tower Ballroom there quite often.
Then I discovered the New Brighton lifeboat,
the "RNLB William and Kate Johnston", which, when it was launched in 1923, was the largest lifeboat in the world!
So, learned quite a bit this afternoon.

Thank you, all, for the little titbits of info, for which I am very grateful!
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27th October 2018, 17:33

I had to look up the reference to Edge Hill. Yes typical Scouse , though I had never heard it. There was a reference to a humerous letter in the Guardian relating to the expression.

Bidston Hill is still there, lovely as ever. I like all the Wirral, we sometimes go to Parkgate on a Sunday afternoon, just stroll along and have a cup of tea or an ice cream. Very popular place for families.

I take it you are not up here now.
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27th October 2018, 17:54
Hi, Rusty!
You have indeed been very busy!
Walking down The Mall is one of my favourite "things to do" in London!
That......and going to the Tower of London!
Yes, I think, like me, you rightly associated New Brighton with The Beatles!
They did indeed play at the Tower Ballroom and there is a blue plaque there to commemorate that fact!
But I have never been to Liverpool!
My nearest connection to it is liking the Beatles.......and enjoying watching "The Liver Birds" - Polly James and Nerys Hughes, with John Nettles as "the boyfriend".
I thought that a very amusing programme!
It is getting very dark now..... just think that tomorrow , when the clocks go will be even darker at this time!
I shall enjoy the lighter mornings though!
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27th October 2018, 18:01
We used to go to Parkgate as a family for a very special treat. I never did see the tide in, though. The shrimps were lovely. My brother went to a prep school there, poor soul. I have a film (now in MP3 format, whatever that might mean) of my uncle diving and swimming in the sea water baths there. About 1930

Nope, I now live near Oxford. I went to see my old homes in Birkenhead (Oxton Hall and Bryanston Road) once. Couldn't glimpse the former, the latter is almost as it was, though smaller of course!

I am so glad Bidston Hill is there. My gt uncle sketched the windmill, I still have it and his drawing of a house burned d.own because the iron (electric but no thermostat!) was left on!
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27th October 2018, 18:35
Good evening, Elle!
That's all my clocks back an hour (except the car!)
It is dark here, now.
Now, over on YouTube are all the Liver Bird shows.
You may choose to visit them?
I was there visiting The Little House on the Prairie, earlier, which was a favourite of mine all those years ago.
It's great to know we can go back to our favourites of years gone by.
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27th October 2018, 19:58
Hi, Rusty!
I don't alter our clocks until just before we go to bed!
A lot of the appliances.....such as the computer, television , central heating ......adapt the time, themselves.
I must text my son.......he never remembers!
Yes, I shall certainly take a look on YouTube at "The Liver Birds"
Other old time favourites of mine were "A Fine Romance" and "As Time Goes By" - both Judi Dench.......
I have watched several repeats of the latter and still chuckle......
"Yes, Minister" was another programme that I liked.....
I shall take a stroll down Memory Lane!
I've just been talking to BB.......he is packing already for next weekend, as they are all going to some Legoland thingummy.
Apparently, I needed to be consulted as to what he should take?!

Ros, talking about sprouts!
We bought some Brussels Sprouts from Lidl this afternoon.
We got 46 sprouts (I counted them) in a bag for 46p!
We are making sprout soup...….
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27th October 2018, 20:24
Hello, Elle!
Ah, well, all my clocks are back, anyway!
As you probably realise, I love YouTube.
Everything is on there.
Both these shows you mentioned are on YouTube, and "Yes, Minister", too.
I just watched an old favourite of mine, Selina Scott, when she was a young news reader on Grampian Television.
Then watched Ike and Tina Turner.
You seem to be a very privileged Gran if your Grandson consults you for advice!
My son was fishing on the South Esk today and said it was freezing with snow blowing through, and not a fish!
That's the Esk closed for the season now.
The Tay closed two weeks ago.
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27th October 2018, 20:47
elle, that seems to be the best sprout bargain around. I bought a bag from ASDA for £1 and I reckon it had about 50 in, not nearly as god as Lidl. I did mean to go to the local farmer's market today, but forgot. Sprouts are great sliced and stir fried in butter!!
I liked As Time Goes By as well, especially Alistair!
Which Legoland are they going to? Presumably Windsor.
Have now finished all the squares for my knitted blanket, just have to sew in all the ends (about 200) and crochet the squares together, then all round two or three times.
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