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28th October 2018, 09:50
Hello, Elle!
Have a break from your Everyman.
That often helps when you return with a fresh mind.
No, the job is not connected with Uni.
It's with B&Q.
Might be to do with kitchens, I think?
Her big sister, Miss O, used to work there before she took up teaching.
She said B&Q were very good to the Uni students they took on.
So, that sounds promising.
I may hear from her this evening.
Miss O's first job at B&Q was mixing paint to get the exact colour for the customer.
She ended up working in the office.
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28th October 2018, 10:38
Hi, Rusty!
Your advice was spot on...........
I wandered away and made a coffee......came back and finished the puzzle straightaway!
Yes, I remember Miss O working part-time for B&Q, whilst doing her Uni course...
At the time, we used to call her 'Miss B & Q' to preserve anonymity!
Pizza Hut make very good part-time employers for students, too.....
I shall now go and finish my book....only one last chapter to read...then attempt the ST Cryptic.
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28th October 2018, 11:28
Hello, Elle!
Having a break is often key to finishing your puzzle, Elle.
It is a great day here, but I think it is cold outside!
Miss O often spoke well of B&Q, I remember that.
She hated the uniform, though!
I thought she looked great in it, but she did not like it at all.
I am using my Samsung tablet to type this, and have just noticed a new symbol in my address bar.
A red coloured unlocked padlock.
This is to indicate a " not secure" site.
Not noticed that before.
Good luck with your other puzzle!
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28th October 2018, 12:54
Hi, Rusty!
We have the symbol of a locked and unlocked padlock on our car fob....this is totally irrelevant to your insecure site, but I just thought I'd mention it!
I finished both book and ST thought I would start reading my Bill Bryson book "The Road to Little Dribbling"....
I haven't reached page thirty yet...and I am nearly hysterical with laughter.
I was sitting there, chuckling away, with my husband asking what was funny,,,,
but it kind of loses its punch in the telling....!
Have you read it?
The rain has ceased, the sun is making a feeble watery appearance .....and we are about to go out for walk.....
Dog is agitating......
Catch you later!
23544 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th October 2018, 13:13
Hello, Elle!
No, not my site that is insecure.
The Forum site is insecure.
Possibly why it has so many spammers?
Yes, I read "The Road" but something put me off it.
Not sure what now.
Possibly a bit of unnecessary vulgarity here and there?
But it is hilarious!
It is a great day here.
My son was saying the gritters were out during the night.
Ah, well, it was a great Summer!
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28th October 2018, 15:33
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
It was beautiful whilst we were out...we were indeed fortunate, because as soon as we got indoors, it rained again!
How about that for good timing?
Well, I am only at the beginning of ".....Little Dribble", but I hope it wasn't any vulgarity that put you off.......because if I find it so, I shall not want to read it....and so far it is very funny!
I think a little "blueness" is allowed if the context is clever - I've always liked Jasper Carrott, for instance - but rude and crude together are to be avoided!
I shall read on...and we shall see.....
Still a few parses to tackle in the ST.
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28th October 2018, 15:53
Hello, Elle!
It is a cracker of a day here, too.
I can not remember what put me off "Little Dribbling", Elle!
But, it would be something uncouth, I think.
I read his "One Summer. America 1927", and I was put off by a couple of factual errors in it.
It was a good book, I enjoyed it, except for the errors, and got to thinking, "How many other errors are in it, that I do not know about?"
A good book spoiled, for me.
I would not be reading anything untoward (in my opinion) and bad language does not impress me, too.
Anyway....I hope you enjoy "Little Dribbling"!
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28th October 2018, 16:55
Hi, Rusty!
I have another two Bryson books awaiting my perusal, too.....
"The Lost Continent" and "Neither Here Nor There".
They came as a joint package in one volume.....I bought them at the same time as "Little Dribbling".
I would be unlikely to know if I were being fed false geographical information, Rusty, as my geography knowledge is very poor!
I think my favourite of all his books that I have so far read is still "A Walk in the Woods".
It is very nearly dark here already, now that we have put the clocks back.
I should be thinking about organising dinner......
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28th October 2018, 17:12
Hello, Elle!
Almost dark here!
It was not geographical errors in "1927", but historical fact errors.
He just got into a subject that I happened to know quite a bit about.
Just luck!
I wondered if he used researchers or did the research himself.
But, a good book for all that!
He was very good, for instance, writing about Calvin (Silent Cal) Coolidge.
And pulled no punches writing about the great American "hero", Charles Lindbergh.
I have it here somewhere, I'll maybe try it again, I think.
It was really, a good read!
"The Woods" is my favourite, too, and I think "Down Under" and "Notes From A Small Island".
I had my tea. Chips and cheese.
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28th October 2018, 18:48
Hi, Rusty!
Our dinner consisted of a wonderful variety of curry dishes, plus nan and rice.
None of it, I hasten to add, due to our culinary skills....... unless you take into account our understanding the heating instructions on the Sainsbury's box!
It was very nice to eat something we hadn't laboured to provide.
A treat!
Today seems to have flashed past.... I find that the older I become, the quicker time appears to pass ....
Surely, breakfast was only an hour ago.....?
A frightening concept?
I wonder when all my "new" books will arrive......
23550 of 30765  -   Report This Post