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27th October 2018, 14:10
Hello, Elle!
27, "Some rowing" could be an "eight",
"agreement" is "yes",
"King" is "R".
Giving "E yes R ight" for "order to forces".
The girls loved New York!
The food was excellent and they loved all the sights.
I forgot to ask to see their photos!
"Coinneach" is correct, well done!
It means "handsome".
The translation is "Kenneth".
The "names" was a real laugh!
They dismissed most of my suggestions!
"No, Granddad, that's a "Mum" name", or "no way, that's a "Granny" name!"
It was very educational!
23511 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 14:19

New Brighton?

I grew up in Birkenhead (not fit for a pig to live in!) and went to school in Liverpool on the underground or ferry.

Are you familiar with the expression "I'll gerroff at Edge Hill" ? ;-))
23512 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 14:23
Hello, Jigjag!
I'll try New Brighton?
I have not heard of it if it exists!
I have made my points to Mr Rogan about all the London/Cockney references in his puzzles.
But I do not think he agrees!
Fair enough!
12, Way for London to lose its attraction and shopping centre (4,4)
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27th October 2018, 14:41
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you !
I had got as far as "eyes right" = order to forces" (def)
r - king
But no further!
Well done on that parsing!
I had meant to tell you ...just in case you did not already know - that the street name "Pall Mall" was derived from a French game......paille maille.....played there when the area was once green fields!
The game is now more commonly known as Croquet!
Yes, you are correct with "New Brighton"!
Well done!
I was about to offer it up..... but you and Ros both beat me to it!
(I knew Ros would know it!)
23514 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 14:49
We had the occasional "school treat"; a day trip on the ferry to New Brighton (the ferry no longer goes there), complete with sand in the sanwiches, dropped ice cream and bathing cozzies. It was, of course, always freezing cold.
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27th October 2018, 15:13
Hello, Elle!
Now, I was wondering...
I have heard of, and seen on television, The Mall.
Is that a different street to Pall Mall?
I suspect so, but am not in any way confident about it.
So croquet was "Paille Maille"!
Yes, I see "pall mall" in Chambers with that description!
The more I reflect on it, I am fairly sure I have heard of New Brighton before, and would link it with Merseyside.
I am going on YouTube now to see if I can find a horse race in Australia yesterday.
It featured the great race mare Winx.
She has just won her 29th consecutive top class race.
And Trotty and co won gold in the pursuit, in the World Cup in Canada, yesterday.
23516 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 15:19
Hi Rusty
The Mall and Pall Mall are different, though not far apart. Also near them is Birdcage Walk - I've often wondered what the derivation of that was!
23517 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 15:30
OK, I've been motivated to Google:
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27th October 2018, 15:36
Hello Rosalind

Yes well done - an easy one for you

I know Birkenhead well - I had 7 years at school there - St Anselms.
Your comments about New Brighton bring back memories for me. My father, his 2 sisters and his mother, widowed, used to make an annual trip there. Bus from Old Swan to Pier Head, ferry to New Brighton, jam sandwiches and bottle of water on the beach, and an ice cream. That was their annual holiday. How times have changed. It is much nicer nowadays. We often go to the lovely theatre, and sometimes visit the Wirral Country Park followed by fish and chips opposite Fort Perch Rock.

I know where Edge Hill is but what is the reference to it?

Hello Elle
I thought you would know New Brighton. Have you been there?

Hello Rusty
Well done for solving the clue. I knew you would solve it but you would probably not have heard of it - so it was an unfair clue, even with the unnecessary word "station" in it.
23519 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th October 2018, 15:40

sorry - I meant "Seaside" was the unnecessary word
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