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16th October 2018, 17:57
Hello, Elle!
You recognised Angelo! That's who I meant!
With his brothers and sisters!
Yes, the dog is back home and is very happy!
I knew Grays Inn! I have read about the Inns.
There is a lot of variety in today's puzzle, I think.
Have a wee look at this video, Elle.
It is little Emma Kelly's first appearance with her Dad, Aunts, and Uncles, as part of the "Kelly Family"!

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16th October 2018, 19:14
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, we were at cross purposes!
I even watched that video clip through three times, in an effort to "recognise" an additional 'someone'!
Yes, Kelly did well in her first major appearance!
You know, though , much though I have enjoyed these later clips, I think I liked the very first one that you sent the best--when all the children were very much younger--"I'll tell me ma".
There was an innocence and simplicity there, that really got to me!
I wonder how daughter and son-in -law got on at BB's Parents' Day....I have been waiting for a phone call or text to "report"!
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16th October 2018, 19:31
Hello, Elle!
I agree.
"I'll Tell Me Ma" was very good.
That's the sort of stuff they have been doing since Angelo started out with his own family.
So are the Christmas songs they do.
Silent Night etc.
The "Family" did "Ave Maria" with Pavarotti, too.
I am sure you will hear soon about the Parent's Day!
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16th October 2018, 20:46
Hi, Rusty!
Well, no news yet from my daughter about their School Parents' Evening ....
I shall text her......she will maybe reply once she has got the boys to bed.
I meant to say that mention of "Houdini" in 9a put me in mind of your Chambers book!
Have you read any interesting bits recently?
I have been playing catch up with one or two programmes that I had recorded.
I just have last Saturday's "Casualty" to watch now!
I shall make a coffee before settling down to watch that.....
And maybe have a piece of ginger cake?
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16th October 2018, 22:25
Update, Rusty!
Our daughter just phoned...all went well at the Parents' Evening.
I wasn't expecting to hear anything different ...but it is nice to be assured that BB is doing well!
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17th October 2018, 11:58
Good morning, Rusty!
I am very late coming on here this morning...
It looks like being one of those days when I am continually "chasing my tail"!
And would you believe we still have rain?
When I said yesterday that I quite liked walking in the rain, I didn't mean for "Him upstairs" to provide me with it 24/7!
Have you now spoken to your family?
They will all have plenty to tell you about their holiday!

Hello, Pigale!
I expect you are rushing around getting ready for your friend's arrival today!
I hope you have a great week...and meet up successfully with your other English friends, too, when they arrive from Luxembourg.

Hi, Chris!
Yes, I did listen to that recording again.....several times!
Yes, you are right... I liked it much better as I became more familiar with it......
But I still prefer Roberta Flack's rendering!
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17th October 2018, 12:15
Good day, Elle!
Sorry, I did not realise you had posted later yestreen!
Yes, I expected everything to be fine with the school etc.
Good to get things sorted!
It is a lovely day here, but chilly!
"Him upstairs", Elle? Tut, tut!
I hope you say sorry to him when you say your prayers tonight!
I have not heard much more from the family, other than my daughter-in-law telling me the dog was delighted to see them, and they are delighted to have him home...!
And they visited Trump Towers (I have no idea why!)
I may look it up to see what goes on there.
I won't hear very much today (I am very interested in what they saw, and think of NYC).
It is La Bamba's birthday today, so they may head out for tea, I think.
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17th October 2018, 13:28
Hi, Rusty!
It is still raining...but no doubt we shall be told of a drought, come next summer!
Having caught up with my chores, I have busied myself doing the crossword.
I thought it a nice one that I have done it all!
At least, all bar the parsing for 16d...I have "illegible" from the crossers?
I have no idea how to parse this?
I cannot even see the definition?
Any ideas, please?
I do not know about Trump Tower? There are several of them, aren't there?
You will probably hear all about the trip - and see lots of photos- when your son comes to see you tomorrow,
Happy Birthday to Miss L-B!
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17th October 2018, 13:37
Good afternoon, Elle!
16d, my take on it is, character forming is writing letters.
And if you are deficient or not good at it, your characters could be illegible.
The whole clue is the definition and solution.
D'ye think?
I looked up Trump Tower, and you are correct again, Elle.
There are several.
It would not be a place I would choose to go, but it is next door to Tiffany's, I think, and I know they breakfasted there and maybe decided to look in?
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17th October 2018, 14:04
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I see......yes, I can understand your logic about 16d....
That sounds good to me!
I had no idea at all how to interpret the clue.
Thank you.
My favourites were 8d: whimsical; 13d: imagination 22a: Ghent (memories of Paul Revere here!); and 18d: nominal
Now..... "Breakfast at Tiffany's "......
I do not know the story, do you?
I have neither read the book by Truman Capote, nor seen the film, starring Audrey Hepburn as Holly- Go- Lightly.
I must look into the plot........
I have heard, though, that the film is but loosely based on the book...
That is unfortunately often the way of it!
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