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15th October 2018, 10:39
Good morning, Rusty!
It is wet again here!
Temperature 10C.
Padded waterproof jacket and wellies needed this morning.
Dog needed a good rubdown when we returned home!
No sign of my friend the marathon runner in the park this morning!
Apparently she was "recovering"........oh dear!......
Her dog was out with a mutual friend.
You are early doing your crossword this morning if you have already finished it?
I have a few tasks that need doing first...and then I shall take a look at my puzzle.
23321 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 14:52
Good afternoon, Elle!
Fine day here.
Yes, crossword done, and did the Guardian cryptic, too.
The New York folk are out for breakfast and then shopping.
Not sure if they are going anywhere before they leave for the airport.
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15th October 2018, 17:20
Hi, Rusty!
It is still raining here.......
This has continued since early yesterday morning!
It is becoming somewhat colder, too.
I do not mind all that much...I quite like walking in the rain, providing I am suitably kitted out for it.
My dog is easy...she will go out in all weathers.
I have just been talking to my daughter on her way home from the office.
She is working from home tomorrow, as she has to attend BB's Parents' Evening tomorrow..... and would not otherwise be home in time for their allotted "time slot" with his teacher.
I hope your family has a safe flight home.....I wonder will they be able to sleep on the flight?
They will be very tired tomorrow if not!
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15th October 2018, 18:17
Hello, Elle!
Been great weather here, but chilly.
I don't mind rain, too.
That's good your daughter can work from home and attend school.
Probably get sound advice from the teacher?
The New Yorkers had "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on Fifth Avenue this morning, (just had photos from Norn Iron!).
Not sure what else they would be doing.
I think they are due to fly home the other side of midnight, our time, so not too long now.
23324 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 19:56
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't quite complete today's crossword...I thought it was a sticky one?
I have three clues I so far cannot do.....1a; 10a; and 17a; and one parsing, 19d, I cannot explain?
And in 4a, I did not know that "barque" could also be spelt "bark", although Chambers assures me that it can.....
Did you know that?
On the plus side, though, I liked baseball, voila, detach and void.
So I guess not too bad an effort on my part on the whole!
I wonder what the teacher will have to say about BB......
He is very articulate child......I gather he told the headmaster at the school council meeting that maybe fewer lessons and more school holidays might be a good idea...…
He's only six now.......
I think he'll go far!
23325 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 20:17
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I know "bark".
I think that's an American spelling.
I am sure I have seen it in a Michener book.
19, "Holdall", if you are "knocking on" you are getting "old".
Another name for mansion could be "Hall".
1a, "Glass ceiling", I'll let you parse them. Good practice!
10a, is "Bluegrass", again it's a straightforward parse.
17a, is "Decoct", a new word to me.
Dec and Oct are the months.
I thought it was a tricky one today, several new words for me.
The New Yorkers are heading to JFK Airport to catch their aeroplane home, now.
I think BB and me would get on fine!
23326 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 20:55
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you!
I would never have got any of those, Rusty.
I have never heard of a "glass ceiling", "Bluegrass", "decoct"..... or "knocking on" meaning "old"!
(What an undignified term! What happened to growing old gracefully?)
Yes, I can parse them all, though, now that I know the answers!!
There was a question on "Eggheads" today about Ewan MacColl and "Dirty Old Town"........
Not a version I I've just been listening to it on YouTube....
I think I prefer The Dubliners singing it?
I didn't know until tonight that the words referred to Salford.
( I think you and BB would make a formidable combination!)
The rain has turned to drizzle...and we now have thick fog!
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15th October 2018, 21:22
Hello, Elle!
I am a tad surprised you have not heard of a "glass ceiling", or "bluegrass" music, and "knocking on" is a well known term, surely?
I did not know Salford was the "Dirty Old Town", and I prefer Luke Kelly's version.
Mind you, Luke was a Dubliner, so the two versions may be similar.
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15th October 2018, 21:29
Mmmmm - Ewan McColl wrote "Dirty old town", so I think that his version ought to be given due consideration!
Rather a strange man - I don't think he and I would have got on. "The first time ever I saw you face" is one of the great songs. Roberta Flack's version is great, but June Tabor's just gives me goosebumps every time I play it.
23329 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
I obviously lead a sheltered life, Rusty, in that I have never heard of these terms!
It is Luke Kelly who is the main lead in the Dubliners version of "Dirty Old Town", to which i referred.
I did not think to mention that.
The Pogues sing it , too.
( My Irish friend called her dog "Pogue"!)
I have just been watching my Monday night serial "Strangers" ,,,the plot thickens, as they say!
I wonder where this saying comes from?

Hello, Chris!
Yes, I know that Ewan MacColl wrote "Dirty Old Town"., and all credit to him......
But this doesn't mean that I have to prefer his singing version!
I have just listened to your clip of June Tabor singing.....
It is a very different approach from that of Roberta Flack.
Dare I say that I prefer Roberta's rendering?
23330 of 30765  -   Report This Post