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17th October 2018, 15:49
Hi, Rusty!
The rain and I are no longer on speaking terms!
I am wishing I had bought those waterproof trousers I keep mentioning!
I did look at some in Sports Direct, but the "small" women's pair was so huge, that I could have put both my legs down one side of the trousers!
Dog and I are staying put indoors this afternoon - enough is enough!
I do not know anything about Truman Capote, other than he wrote "Breakfast at Tiffany's".... and that fact is just something I picked up along the wayside!
I have been looking up Tiffany's Jewellery store in New York, and came up with this...
I think this must be where your family breakfasted?
23361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 16:27
We went to a nice pub on the square, jigjag, though I don't remember its name. Slight disappointment, though - I had put off having moules frites until our last day in Belgium (before moving on to Aachen), but it was the Monday of a Bank Holiday weekend and they had run out!
23362 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 16:42
Hello, Elle!
I think waterproof trousers are all a bit "roomy".
Maybe you should try Amazon?
Still a fine day here!
And at the loch.
Had a wee look and it is a bit windier there, but still a lovely day.
I did not know Capote wrote "Tiffany's".
I liked "In Cold Blood", but apparently he took great liberties with the truth, (it was described as a "non-fiction novel") and all who met him when he was doing the research in Kansas, said he was a horrible person.
That is the very place they had breakfast, Elle, I have several pictures of them in that room.
23363 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 19:30
Hi, Rusty!
"The Blue Box Cafe" certainly looks very swish!
I guess it must be the "in" place to go for breakfast?
It is rather nice to have a bit of "history" thrown in, too, with the connection to Holly-Go-Lightly.
We certainly enjoyed our brief visit sightseeing in New York, but we were actually staying across the Hudson River in Jersey City.
Our elder daughter, husband and new born baby were living there, and commuting into work to their respective banks in Manhattan.
It was beautiful in Jersey City.......their apartment was right by the Hudson River, and walks along its banks were wonderful, especially in the early mornings.
I think our local weather service has flipped...still raining.... and no mention of it on the computer BBC forecast!
23364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 19:47

Ah yes the moules! We went to my friend's local football football club and were served an enormous portion of them - absolutely delicious. I have had them here but they were nothing like as good. You were very unlucky to miss them.

23365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 20:29
Good evening, Elle!
I don't know Holly-Go-Lightly, I'm afraid.
But Tiffany's looks pretty swish!
I hope to hear a lot more about New York tomorrow.
They went out for the birthday tea this evening to a pub/restaurant not too far off.
Poor you and the rain, it has been fine weather here, and fine weather forecasted for tomorrow!
23366 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 20:53
Hi, Rusty!
No, I do not know "Holly" either, Rusty, other than its being Audrey Hepburn, who plays the character in the film!
I know nothing of the "plot"!
But the association must lend some kudos to the restaurant / cafe in Tiffany's?
Most folk will have at least heard of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", I would think?
I hope Miss La Bamba enjoyed her birthday tea?
Is she 21 this time, or am I miscounting?
I am unsure whether anyone celebrates their 21st birthday any more?
Or whether the emphasis now is solely on one's 18th?
Yes, this rain is pretty relentless!
23367 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 21:15
Hello, Elle!
I liked Audrey Hepburn!
Yes, La Bamba is 21 today!
My second youngest granddaughter.
She said her birthday has been "very good"!
I'll maybe see her at the weekend, hopefully.
23368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 22:03
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I thought it must be Miss L-B's 21st!
All being well, maybe you can all go out to the Pine Cone at the weekend for an additional celebration?
That would be good.
You must have had your two sons when you were very young?
Our eldest grandson is only 11!
I can only remember Audrey Hepburn in " My Fair Lady".
I had thought for moment that she was also in "Gigi", but I am pretty certain that was Leslie Caron?
23369 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2018, 22:37
Hello, Elle!
Hopefully they may suggest Pine Cone at the weekend.
No, I was mid-twenties when my oldest son was born.
That's not very young, surely?
I vaguely remember Audrey in "The Nun's Story".
I do not know who was in "Gigi".
Maurice Chevalier?
23370 of 30765  -   Report This Post