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13th October 2018, 09:49
Good morning, Elle!
A bit rainy here!
I had a bit of a walk though, earlier.
Rafa does seem like a decent lad.
All quiet in New York!
I've no plans today.
I'll watch the final cycling "monument" of the year, the Tour of Lombardy.
(The race of the falling leaves.)
In cycling, Elle, a "monument" is one of the five major one-day races of the year.
I am sure you will be glad to know that!
23291 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2018, 10:53
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
We have sunshine here, and it is very warm...19C at 8am!
Our rain is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and continue throughout Monday ....thunderstorms , too, and much colder.
I did not know that meaning of "monument", Rusty!
It is as well that you told me...
My mind would have been firmly fixed on Nelson atop his Column...or Boadicea riding her chariot!
I hope you enjoy the cycle race.
We have a quiet day ahead if all goes to plan......
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13th October 2018, 18:17
Hi, Rusty!
How has your day been ?
Did you enjoy the cycling?
My day did not go quite according to plan...
I spent the morning trying to sort out a glitch on my computer...I have "fixed" it, but not "solved" it!
So I am afraid that it - or something similar - might well happen again.
My daughter was apprised of the situation, but without being on the spot, had no ideas.
She will take a look when next she comes......
Meanwhile fingers crossed that all goes well...... it is somewhat of a mystery!
After that, I finished the crossword......downed tools..... and took the dog out!
Any word from New York?

Hello, Pigale!
How are things going?
I'm having a few computer hiccoughs!
For some reason, this has reminded me to ask you how you are making out with your Hudl?
We have harked back to Summer here, today!
A temperature in the mid- twenties this afternoon.....with blue skies and sunshine.
Hope it is the same - or better -with you?
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13th October 2018, 18:37
Hello, Elle!
My day has been fine, thank you!
Cycling was great.
It was in the Lake Como area and there were some brutal climbs.
Thibaut Pinot won.
Hope your daughter and you get to the bottom of your glitch.
I have a little glitch too.
This site is the only one (lately) that I have to log in to, when I switch computer on.
Not a problem, but it did not happen before.
Maybe something I have done when exploring settings etc.
Yes, I heard from New York earlier.
They sent me pics taken from the top (I think!) of the Rockefeller Center showing the city.
They like New York!
23294 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2018, 20:56
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad you enjoyed the cycle racing!
And speaking of racing...only on foot... a friend of mine is doing her first Half Marathon tomorrow!
She is taking part in the Royal Parks Road Race which also goes through four of London's eight parks.......St James' Park, Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.
Unfortunately, the weather is supposedly going to be awful, which will be a shame.
Now, your glitch.....I am puzzled.....
I always have to log in on here, putting in my password, when I switch on my computer in the mornings....the same goes with my tablet, too?
I have never known it to be otherwise?
Good that you have heard from your family!
I think there is a viewing platform ( or similar) on top of the Rockefeller Centre?
23295 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2018, 21:12
Hello, Elle!
Not heard of Green Park before.
We have had heavy rain most of the day.
Flooding warnings at Upper River Tay.
It is bad in parts of Wales, I see.
I have to log into my computer, but once in, I used not to have to log into this site.
Now I do.
Maybe Google Chrome did something when it updated the other day.
The Chromebook updates are brilliant.
They take several seconds.
Just switch Chromebook off, then on again, and that's it done!
Yes, I am glad my New York family text me.
Quite funny, because my friends in Norn Iron are sending me photos that they see on my granddaughter's FaceBook accounts and keep me up to date, too!
They follow Miss O on FaceBook, I think is how it works.
I don't do FaceBook!
23296 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2018, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
All the parks lead into each other.......more or less!
Starting with Green Park near Buckingham Palace.........
You may have seen parts of Green Park without realising, when watching cycle races round London.
The races usually encompass St James' Park (immediately next to Green Park)
I have often walked throughout all four parks that are a part of tomorrow's race, beginning with Green Park and ending up in Kensington Gardens.
But I think tomorrow's road race starts from Hyde Park...
Here is a map of the race route......
You can see the conjunction of the parks from this.
I have to log into my computer, too, as it is password protected, but I have always to log in separately (with a different password ) on to the Crossword Forum, as well
My Hudl only requires me to log into this site...I don't have the tablet password protected when I switch it on.
But these technicalities are really beyond my comprehension!
23297 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th October 2018, 22:37
Hello, Elle!
I am not keen on city centre bike races except when Le Tour reaches Paris.
But I think I have saw bits of the London races.
I cleared all my cookies the other day when I could not access my BT mail.
That may have had something to do with the log in anomaly.
Tomorrow I will delete this site from my Chromebook, then download it again and see will that restore it to normal.
23298 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2018, 09:52
Good morning, Rusty!
Very poggy out this morning!
Cooler, too.
Not a very good day for the Royal Parks half marathon!
Did the link I sent you yesterday work?
I thought you might like to see how the parks were positioned in relation to each other.
I have dried off the dog and fed her....
I am now going to print out my crosswords!
23299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2018, 10:27
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here.
Your link worked fine, Elle!
I tried deleting this site and reinstalling it, but I still have to log in!
Anyway, just watched Usain Bolt score his first goal in Australian football.
He took it well!
He plays for Central Coast Mariners.
Good luck with your puzzles!
23300 of 30765  -   Report This Post