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14th October 2018, 11:24
Hi, Rusty!
I am puzzled by the fact that you have never previously needed to log in on here......
I cannot participate - such as answer a query, or post a message etc - without my logging in each day.
But once logged at the beginning of the day, I then stay logged in until I next switch off the computer.
I suspect, Rusty, that - for some reason - you are "the exception that proves the rule" and that everyone else DOES have to log in, before they can use the site.
The mystery is why you haven't had to do this?
Maybe check with Norah?
I didn't know that Usain Bolt was now a footballer?
I remember his saying that he always wanted to play for Man U ...but I didn't take his comment seriously!
Good for him!
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14th October 2018, 12:54
Hello, Elle!
When I switched on my computer I was logged in to all the sites I use.
Now, I am logged into them all except this one.
Just a mere detail though. No inconvenience.
Yes, Usain scored two goals on his debut.
They wanted "9.58" to be his shirt number but he wore "95".
I think 9.58 may be his fastest 100 metres, d'ye reckon?
The New York folk went to Rockefeller Center yesterday, then to see "The Lion King" on Broadway, then ice-skating, and the night time tour of Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.
So, New York seems to be a success!
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14th October 2018, 13:09
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Thanks for the note Elle - am busy getting things ready for
friends' arrival ...... from England of course!
I am delighted at the prospect of seeing them all, and one is
actually staying here for two weeks so it will be nice to have some
company, though my routine will be somewhat disturbed, obviously!

Weather has been gorgeous throughout the past fortnight and apart
from a small week end of September/very beginning of October, it
feels we never left our hot Summer....... yet.
Still nice and warm today but rather windy from the South.

Hudl and I never got on and I am hoping my friend (computer engineer) will be able to help me - seems to be that I don't know
how to connect it to my wifi. I am using a rooter and not a box
so going through 'help' does not .... help! I am sure it is simple
enough if you know what you are doing!

How are things with you both? Any family meeting this week-end?
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14th October 2018, 13:12
BTW - I too have to log into this site every day but never have to
actually type my password etc... I just need to click on 'log in' and
then on 'proceed to forum' - that's all. My details are kept in the site's
memory it seems.
23304 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2018, 14:01
Hello, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
Lucky you with the weather!
Been a bit rainy here.
The Hudl should be simple to set up.
Go to "settings", then "wi-fi",
It will show a list of network routers that are in range.
Select your own router (it will have its own number and also the password for it, usually on a label stuck to it.)
Then type the router password.
Possibly type "save" or "OK", and that should be that.
Hope this is helpful!
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14th October 2018, 14:37
Hi, Rusty!
I have been thinking about your logging in problem...and if I recall correctly, I think I was given the option when joining the site, of either allowing the site to "remember" my password, or choosing to type it in each time?
I never allow my password to be "remembered" under any circumstances , so I type it in daily.
This may make a difference?
Your family seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves!
They certainly pack a lot into their day, and make the most of their time!
Good for them!
I wonder have they been to MoMA yet?
It is still pouring down here!

Hello, Pigale!
Would you like to exchange some weather?
I think your English friends will be glad to leave this rain behind them, when they come to stay with you!
Although we, in London, have been very fortunate compared with the rest of the country, I think.
I hope you can follow Rusty's instructions in setting up your Hudl.....I am afraid I will be of no help!
I just scream loud and long when I am in technical difficulties! ....and wait to be "rescued"!
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14th October 2018, 14:50
Thanks Rusty, tried all that BUT remember that I am at present
living in a friend's house - can't bear my own home since my
husband died - and the whole electronic set up is under his name,
and password, and so is wifi line etc.... only my computer is mine.

Being an engineer in electronics, he added various programs such
as cameras, remote control cameras etc, and set it all up to suit
his extra needs and all this complicates matters for me.

I am sure he will sort out my hudl during his stay. I basically do not seem to find a way of connecting Hudl to wifi and I tried everything on instruction booklet step by step.

No problem really - I bought the Hudl when I did because I fell on
such a good bargain through ebay and won the betting, if you
remember. But I had no special immediate need for it - just thought it might come in handy.

Yes, we have been lucky with our weather and altogether had a
fantastic Summer. We have been warned that Winter should really
be wintery - which it should be!

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14th October 2018, 15:06
Hello, Elle!
It is a lovely day here now!
All my passwords etc are "remembered" by Google Chrome.
I prefer that.
There are two sites I visit, this one and a salmon fishing site, where in the address bar, is printed "not secure".
I wonder if that is a factor?
All the other sites have a "padlock" symbol.
I have just been sent photos (via Belfast!) of my family on the ice at the skating rink.
I do not know what they are up to today.
The folks in Norn Iron are following them on FaceBook!
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14th October 2018, 15:19
I think "not secure" means that the site is not 'https etc....'

This explains how https etc is a safety guaranty for the user
I think!!!!!
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14th October 2018, 15:22
PS - On our Forum site, it does not really matter as no one is
likely to give personal banking information etc.
But when I buy something online, I only ever buy from a site
that "belongs' to the https 'group" if you know what I mean ?
23310 of 30765  -   Report This Post