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15th October 2018, 22:45
Listen to the June Tabor more than once, elle - I think you will find that it grows on you. I agree that it's very different to Roberta Flack's. I like both, but it's this one I'm taking to my desert island.

On the album (one of my favourites) it's the third of an incredibly powerful triplet of songs. The first is about Jack Judge winning a bet by writing a song by tea-time, interwoven with tstories about he lead-up to the Great War; the second she sings his song - "It's a long way to Tipperary"...then "The first time ever I saw your face" (written,as you probably know, for Peggy Seeger).
23331 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2018, 23:23
Hello, Elle!
I thought it may have been Luke you heard when you listened to the Dubliners, but was not sure.
My favourite in the band was Barney McKenna, the best banjo player I have ever heard.
And his "Barneyisms" were legendary.
His sayings and turns of phrase were often very funny.
I think they were going to try and write a book of "Barneyisms".
I'll have to have a look on Amazon.
I have been having a wee browse on YouTube, too.
This is a group I like.
Not very well known here but popular in Europe, especially in Germany.
"Angelo Kelly and Family".

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16th October 2018, 09:37
Good morning, Rusty!
A dull morning here, but at least the rain has stopped.
I hope your family has arrived home safely?
Did their flight arrive on schedule?
Were you up in time to follow its landing?
I loved the recording that you sent of the Irish family group.....
Great to see them all enjoying themselves, and producing such lovely toe-tapping harmony.
I am away out shortly to get my hair cut.......I should be back about lunch time.
Catch up with you later!
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16th October 2018, 10:44
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely day here!
Family is home safe!
The aeroplane was about thirty minutes early arriving at Edinburgh, I think.
So that was pleasing.
I'll relax when I hear their dog is safely home from the kennels!
Glad you liked Angelo and family.
That was filmed at the first home they have ever had.
Try this one?
Angelo and family singing a favourite of mine.
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16th October 2018, 13:20
Hi, Rusty!
It is a lovely day here, too, now!
I am just home from the hairdressers, with my hair an inch shorter.
(I was very daring today!)
I am glad that your family reached home safely - and an early arrival too.
Have they collected their dog from the kennels yet?
He will be delighted to see them!
I have been listening to Angelo and family whilst writing this....
I've always loved that song...and they sing it so beautifully.
Have you done your crossword?
I shall take look at mine, once I have made some coffee!
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16th October 2018, 14:05
Hello, Elle!
Fine day here, too!
Well done on your hair cut!
I have not heard from my family since they arrived home.
I'll contact them later on...they could be resting after their journey.
Glad you like Angelo and family.
He is the youngest of twelve children and has never been to school.
His wife, Kira, is from Rostock, Germany, and the children are all fluent in German.
Yes, I have completed my puzzle.
A tough one today, I think!
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16th October 2018, 15:41
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it could well be that your family are all asleep!
If they were unable to rest during the flight, they may well be exhausted.
I have never been able to sleep on a plane..... largely because I am afraid of heights...and am on tenterhooks until we land again!
I wondered at first as to which member of the family was Angelo....
In the first video clip, I had thought it was the slightly older, bearded man playing the instrument.....
But later, on viewing the second recording, realised that it must be the younger, slightly chubby one wearing the cap!
A lovely family!
I haven't yet made a start on the crossword - circumstances the form of visitors and phone calls...... have prevented me!
My brain isn't feeling up to much today ...I hope the puzzle isn't TOO difficult?
23337 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th October 2018, 16:32
Hello, Elle,
Yes, they could be asleep, hence my reluctance to contact them.
Angelo is the chubby one in glasses, cap, and long ponytail.
Kira, is his wife, then in descending order, Gabriel, Helen, Emma, Joseph, William.
The musicians are members of the extended Kelly family, who have been performing for around forty years.
There have been dozens of them over the years, then Angelo branched out with his own family.
Yes, I think the puzzle will test you!
And that's the way it should be!
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16th October 2018, 16:51
Update, Elle!
Here is the "Kelly Family" singing, in Germany, I think.
Do you recognise anyone?!!
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16th October 2018, 17:32
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, Angelo is who I thought he was!
Who is it that I am supposed to recognise in the latest clip?
I cannot place anyone?
The crossword wasn't as bad as I feared it would be......better, anyway, than yesterday's, I thought.
I still have a few clues left undone, but I feel reasonably happy with my efforts so far.
I especially liked 10a: Ruhr; 27a: Penzance; and 28a: sinewy.
I had to look up "ley" in 4d, and "puff" in 2d.
These were meanings I hadn't come across before .
There were two "charade" clues - 3d and 17d - I am glad I remembered the terminology!
"Gray's Inn" brought back memories!
I used to work in the "old" Royal Free Hospital, when it was based in Gray's Inn Road.
Any word yet from the returned travellers?
(Is the dog back home?)
23340 of 30765  -   Report This Post