Hi, Rusty!
I am fine now, Rusty, thank you ...and after all, I have only myself to blame!
If I hadn't been so careless as to leave my pills behind, the migraine wouldn't have got beyond the aura stage .
It is not often I get a headache these days if I take my meds in good time.
What you describe as having yourself, is an "ocular" migraine, or "migraine with aura", where temporary visual disturbances affect one or both eyes.
This is what I get...flashing /shimmering lights, zigzag lines, and very often blind spots.
With some people, the migraine can stop there...and no medication is needed as the effects will just pass off in a short time, as very fortunately it does with you.
In my case, if I do not take a preventive medication within the aura period, it does progress on to the classic migraine stage, with severe headache, possibly vomiting etc.
The percentage of people suffering from "migraine with aura" is quite low....the majority of migraine suffers ( my daughter included) have the "classic" migraine variety.
A different medication is taken in that instance, and can only be administered once the headache pain has started.
So believe it or not, it can actually be advantageous to suffer the vision disturbances!
There ...sorry about that .....you didn't expect a lecture!