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19th October 2018, 10:23
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is a glorious sunny day here, with a bright blue sky
But it is decidedly chilly!
Only 5C when I went out with the dog at 8 am.
I met a friend's new puppy for the first time this morning.......she was keeping her new owner on his toes!
I have a free day plans for it as yet....
Maybe I shall do some more book sorting?
After a coffee though...!
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19th October 2018, 11:46
Good morning, Elle!
That's my railings painting finished!
A dry morning here and coolish.
Book sorting sounds like a good idea!
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19th October 2018, 14:03
Hi, Rusty!
Well done on finishing painting your railings!
That is a good job done!
Yes, I have done some sorting out of books......but now I need more boxes!
But enough of labouring....the sun beckons....
I am away out for a walk with the dog!
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20th October 2018, 08:54
Good morning, Elle!
A bit cloudy here this morning!
Just been for my paper.
No plans today, but World Cup Track Cycling is on Eurosport.
I watched the GB mens pursuit team yesterday.
They were awful, got lapped by Denmark!
Not sure when the women are on, or if Trotty is riding.
How is the book sorting going?
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20th October 2018, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely sunny morning here, with a cool autumnal chill in the air.
We are just back from our walk.
I wasn't on the computer yesterday from mid afternoon onwards, because
I had a migraine start whilst I was out walking.
And as I had (carelessly) omitted to transfer my migraine tablets from one coat pocket to another, the migraine consequently developed into a full blown attack before I reached home!
I spent the rest of the day(and night) taking my meds, and sleeping it off!
I am fine (sort of) now though.
There is the Youth Olympics from Buenos Aires on at 1.15 pm this afternoon......and of course the Invictus Games starts later today.
Book sorting is at a halt...I am out of boxes!
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20th October 2018, 10:49
Hello, Elle!
I hope your recovery from migraine attack continues!
I've read they can be very debilitating.
I did not know there was specific medicine for them?
I occasionally get an optical migraine (I think it's called) but it passes after about twenty minutes.
It is not troublesome so I reckon it's pretty mild.
My optometrist told me that she gets them too, and they are nothing to worry about.
There is excellent racing at Ascot, too.
A good puzzle today!
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20th October 2018, 11:39
Hi, Rusty!
I am fine now, Rusty, thank you ...and after all, I have only myself to blame!
If I hadn't been so careless as to leave my pills behind, the migraine wouldn't have got beyond the aura stage .
It is not often I get a headache these days if I take my meds in good time.
What you describe as having yourself, is an "ocular" migraine, or "migraine with aura", where temporary visual disturbances affect one or both eyes.
This is what I get...flashing /shimmering lights, zigzag lines, and very often blind spots.
With some people, the migraine can stop there...and no medication is needed as the effects will just pass off in a short time, as very fortunately it does with you.
In my case, if I do not take a preventive medication within the aura period, it does progress on to the classic migraine stage, with severe headache, possibly vomiting etc.
The percentage of people suffering from "migraine with aura" is quite low....the majority of migraine suffers ( my daughter included) have the "classic" migraine variety.
A different medication is taken in that instance, and can only be administered once the headache pain has started.
So believe it or not, it can actually be advantageous to suffer the vision disturbances!
There ...sorry about that didn't expect a lecture!
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20th October 2018, 12:09
Hello, Elle!
No, it's not a lecture, it's added quite a bit to my fairly limited knowledge of migraines.
I get about two a year, just one eye affected, a "jagged shimmering circle" in my vision, no pain, and it lasts about twenty minutes.
I've no idea what brings one on.
My optometrist is not worried about it and that is reassuring.
So I am quite lucky, I think!
It has turned into a lovely day here!
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20th October 2018, 13:39
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it a glorious day here, too and warming up nicely now.
I am staying put, though, this afternoon, and taking it easy.... the dog had a long walk this morning - she can make do with the garden for the remainder of the day, whilst I "recuperate"!
There are various known triggers for migraine , Rusty...bright lights , certain foods , stress, quite a long list in fact..........but if you only have one or two a year, it is hardly worth your trying to trace the origin.
Mine are started by light fluctuations - a rather difficult thing to avoid at times!
Yes, quite a nice puzzle - I usually find that the Saturday ones are!
I've been doing it in dribs and drabs..... only a few left to solve now.
Are you watching the track cycling now?
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20th October 2018, 14:24
Hello, Elle!
No cycling, I am taking in the racing at Ascot, just now.
I never think about my ocular migraine, they happen so infrequently, and are only a slight inconvenience..
Fine day here, but not warm!
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