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11th October 2018, 23:01


12th October 2018, 07:52
And here's Ruthie's vlog on the pronunciation!
23282 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 10:20
Good morning, Rusty!
A sunny day here!
Your family should have taken off for New York by now!
Will you track their flight? I know you sometimes do this.
The poor dog! He will miss them!
Have you heard from your friends in Norn Iron?
Did they have much trouble with Storm Callum last night?
We are going out about 11am., for the day......
We are driving over to our daughter's and are taking her out for lunch.
Then we are all going to an afternoon assembly at BB's school afterwards.
The various classes take in turns to give a presentation to which parents - and grandparents! - are invited to watch.
It is the turn of BB's class today!
He is very excited!
We are leaving the dog to entertain the cat....
We should be home about teatime!
23283 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 10:30
Good morning to you, Elle!
It's a bit windy here, not quite wild, but not far off it.
Beautiful blue skies!
No word from Belfast yet.
I texted earlier, but all quiet.
Slight delay at Edinburgh, but they are aboard and will fly away soon.
I am tracking the flight, yes.
I agree about the dog, but they will be home on Tuesday.
I hope you enjoy your trip to school!
It will be very interesting, I'm sure!
23284 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 17:41
Hi, Rusty!
Finally home again......
We have had a very enjoyable day out.
We went to an Indian restaurant for lunch, and then afterwards to BB's school for the afternoon assembly.
The children - all six-year olds - were telling us all about the Great Fire of London!
It was very well organised by their teacher.......
Each child had a piece to read telling of the Fire and how it happened.....
They took turns to tell us that the Great Fire of London happened in September 1666; that the fire began in a bakery in Pudding Lane, because a baker named Thomas Farriner forgot to turn off his oven.
London was very dry at the time, because there had been a drought that lasted for ten months.
So, as many people had houses that were made from wood and straw, everything burned easily.
And then Sir Christopher Wren drew up plans to rebuild London afterwards.
After telling us the "facts", the children sang "London's Burning", and played instruments along with the song!
They then held up paintings they had done of the Fire!
We were very impressed! is everything at your end?
Has your family arrived safely in New York?
And what of your friends in Belfast?
Did they eventually get in touch with you? Is all well there?
23285 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 18:09
Hello, Elle!
I knew about Christopher Wren's plans.
I saw them on Treasures of the British Library!
They were impressive!
My family have just landed at the airport at New York.
Had pictures of them at Edinburgh Airport sent to me by my Belfast Friends.
Think it was to do with Facebook.
All OK at Belfast regarding the weather.
It was pretty wild but no word of damage.
23286 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 19:25
Hi, Rusty!
That is good news all round..... your family is safely in NY...and your Norn Iron friends fortunately escaped the storm with no ill effects.
It is always a worry waiting to hear of safe arrivals.....and these storms are playing havoc with lives and belongings.
I have still to hear from my friend who lives (partially) in Spain.
I hope all is well.....
I hadn't realised that your family was only away until Tuesday.......
They will have a lot of sightseeing to fit into a short time!
But the dog will be pleased!
I have been browsing your link about "Irish words" that you sent to Chris......
I like "Kilty-Caul-Bum"....
I am wondering how to drop it into the general conversation......
23287 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 19:54
Hello, Elle!
Yes, little damage done that I know about.
I saw photos of Rafa Nadal helping out in the floods.
A few words that you won't have heard, I'm sure, in Norn Iron!
I like their football anthem,
"We're not Brazil, we're Norn Iron!"
That's their World Cup song!
My son has texted to say JFK Airport is much better than Orlando International.
I do not know if they have reached their hotel yet.
23288 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 20:15
Thanks for the Norn Irish, Rusty.

"Jam jar" reminded me of my favourite "Alex" cartoon (almost, but not quite, worth buying the Daily Telegraph for).

Vince, the Cockney money man, comes home and says to his young son something like
"Look what those clever frogs have made. I brought it back in my jam-jar. Do you know what it is?"
"It's a's a tad..."
"It's a tad oaky. Is it a chardonnay?"
23289 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th October 2018, 20:42
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I saw pics of Rafa sweeping up, too.
He opened up his tennis academy to all those affected by the floods, offering them accommodation.
He lives just down the road from my friend.
A good bloke by all accounts.
We are feeling too full up to require dinner!
I may make us some toast and coffee in a little while...I think that will suffice!
I've had to give today's crossword a time!
I'm playing catch up now, and going to watch "Eggheads"......
23290 of 30765  -   Report This Post