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10th October 2018, 21:25
Hello, Elle!
No, I had a brief look round at YouTube and went back to watching the trading on Wall Street.
Dow Jones closed over 800 points down.
And the hurricane is hammering into Florida.
Glad my family are not going there!
23271 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 10:21
Good morning, Rusty!
Another sunny, but this time warm , morning!
We are being very fortunate.
Especially when you consider the hurricane in Florida and the floods in Majorca.
One of my friends lives just down the coast from Sant Llorenc, where the worst of the floods are....
She is in the UK at present, planning on going back to Spain this coming week.
I shall speak to her later today, and find out what has happened in her immediate vicinity out there....I am sure she will have been in touch with neighbours.
I have a free day outstanding jobs (what about sorting books, did I hear you say?)…...
No expected visitors.....
I shall attempt the crossword early....... before brain deterioration speeds up as the day progresses!
23272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 12:23
Good day, Elle!
Not very nice here.
A bit rainy today.
I have no plans, so far.
The hurricane has calmed down a bit but has left a lot of devastation in its wake.
Several new words for me in my puzzle, today!
Setter keeping me on my toes!
23273 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 13:35
Hi, Rusty!
I have had a leisurely morning, but am going out again soon , for another walk.
I think we are due to have rain about 5 o'clock.....
But I plan to be safely back home again by then!
I expect you successfully finished your crossword?
I quite enjoyed today's puzzle, but there are three clues that I simply cannot do...
9a: ?L?B?A??
5d: L???T?E
18d: S?N?E?S
I have no ideas at all?
My favourite was 17a: rec rude scent
I have been searching to find what one calls this type of clue where the answer lies in segments in turn....
And I have finally found it! A "charade"!
I knew I had come across the term somewhere!
23274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 13:58
Hello, Elle!
It is brightening here!
My son has just gone.
He visited early ahead of New York.
Now, your puzzle.
9, The entertainment zone is "clubland".
"clu(e)" with "bland/dull".
I don't know if it is in Chambers or not?
5d, The deficient character is "lette(r)", with "a d(aughter)" giving "ladette".
18, Totally dull is "sunless", change "u" for "one/i" and you have, "sinless" for perfect.
Well done on "charade".
I have not come across it before.
23275 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 17:20
Hi, Rusty!
We are back home again.... we had an enjoyable walk.
I think we timed it well, because the sky is darkening now and rain looks imminent.
That was good that your son came to visit you will both have enjoyed your usual chat!
I hope they all enjoy their holiday ...and that Miss L-B celebrates her birthday in style!
Thank you for your help with those three clues......I would never have got there unaided!
Yes, I was pleased to find "charade"!
Now...what to eat for dinner?
23276 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 20:11
Good evening, Elle!
It is rainy here!
Yes, I did not know my son was coming and I really appreciated his visit!
He is thoughtful!
Miss LB's birthday is next week.
I had a kipper for my tea!
23277 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 21:28
Good evening, Rusty!
It is raining here, too!
Becoming chillier as well.
What time tomorrow does your family leave for New York?
I had misunderstood and thought that Miss La Bamba was spending her actual birthday there.
So they will be home again before the big matter .....all week away can still be a celebration!
I am sure they will have a great time!
I had beef and black bean sauce for tea....courtesy of Sainsburys!
Very nice it was, too!
23278 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 22:03
Hello, Elle!
I think the aeroplane flies away around ten in the morning.
It takes about seven hours to reach New York.
I doubt there will be a a celebration next week.
Maybe they will go out for their tea to a restaurant, but I do not know if they have that planned.
They took their dog to a kennels in the afternoon and he hates it!
My friends in Norn Iron are expecting a visit from Storm Callum during the night!
23279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th October 2018, 22:15
Steve Bell got it wrong in today's cartoon in the Guardian - he referred to "Norn Ireland" - "Norn Iron" is much better!
23280 of 30765  -   Report This Post